Tag: want

1 Thessalonians 4:13 – Dead, But Still Alive

But we do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, concerning those who have fallen asleep, that you not grieve as others who have no hope.

Truth to Learn

For Christians, physical death is not the end of existence.


Behind the Words

“We … want” is translated from the Greek verb thelō, which means “to want” or “to desire.” But it carries more weight than simply a wish, because it involves volition and purpose, seeing one’s desire to its completion. It could be translated as “I am determined.” In some manuscripts it is expressed in the first person singular (I), but the best manuscripts have it as first person plural (we).

The word translated “ignorant” is agnoeō, which is made up of a, meaning “not” and noeō, meaning “to know, to recognize, or to understand.” Thus, agnoeō means “to not know.”

The words “have fallen asleep” is from a form of koimaō, which literally means “to cause to lie down to sleep.” It is used metaphorically as a reference to those who have died physically. It is expressed in the perfect tense indicating past action completed at a point in time with an ongoing effect, the emphasis being on the ongoing effect.

“Grieve” is translated from the verb lupeō, which means “to grieve” or “to be sorrowful.” It is expressed as a present tense, subjunctive verb, indicating the possibility of something happening.

The word translated “others” is loipoi. This noun is derived from the verb leipō, meaning “to leave behind, to lack, or something remaining. Thus, loipoi literally means “the remaining ones.”

This word “hope” is from a Greek word that we have looked at before. It is the word elpida, which is a form of elpis, meaning “the desire of obtaining something good with the full expectation of obtaining it.” It is the type of hope that Christians have of being resurrected to eternal life. We certainly desire it and we have full expectation that it will happen because God has promised it to us.


Meaning Explained

In this fourth chapter of his letter to the Thessalonians, Paul has switched from comforting and encouraging the saints, to teaching doctrine to them (us). He started by teaching that we are to avoid fornication (sexual activity outside of marriage). Then he taught the importance of increasing our demonstration of brotherly love.

For the remainder of this chapter and the first half of the next chapter, Paul is teaching about events that will occur at the end times. First he will teach us about the rapture of the church. Then he will teach about the day (time period) of the Lord, when God will judge the world and its ungodly inhabitants. He makes it very clear that the rapture, which is referred to as “the day of Christ” or “the day of Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 1:8; Philippians 1:6, 10; Philippians 2:16; and 2 Thessalonians 2:2) and “the day of the Lord” are not the same.

He says that he is determined that the Christians in Thessalonica not be ignorant. That’s Paul’s polite way of saying “you are ignorant about something and I want to inform you.” He tells them, and us, something interesting about Christians who have died physically (those who have fallen asleep). He says, “Don’t be overly filled with sorrow like unbelievers who have no hope.” The reason we are not to grieve too much is because we have a hope that the unsaved don’t have. He will explain this hope in the next few verses.



When loved ones pass through the door of physical death, it is natural for us to grieve. We grieve because they are no longer in our presence physically and we will greatly miss them. But, if they were believers in Jesus Christ, they are not gone from existence, they have simply moved from the physical world to paradise, where they are in the presence of God. We who are Christians will see them again someday and together we will be in God’s presence, eternally.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

James 4:4 – The World, or God?

Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

Truth to Learn

Buying into the world system, its values, ideals, and desires is a sure way to alienate yourself from God.

Behind the Words

The oldest manuscripts do not have “Adulterers and,” starting out the verse simply with “Adulteresses!”

The expression “Do you not know,” translated from ouk oidate, is difficult to translate into English with its full meaning. Ouk represents the absolute negative in Greek and the word oidate means “to see or perceive.” This verb is expressed in the perfect tense indicating a past, completed action with an ongoing result with the emphasis being on the result. So James is saying “Have you not recognized and now understand?”

Exhthra is the Greek word translated “enmity.” It refers specifically to hostility or hatred.

The word translated “wants” is boulomai, which expresses the desirous will. It is written here in the subjunctive mood indicating that it is likely not happening currently but possibly could. It might be translated as “Whoever might want …”

The words “makes himself” are translated from the verb kathistēmi. This is made up of kata, meaning “down” and histēmi, meaning “to stand” or “to be placed.” Hence, it refers to something that is firmly standing or firmly placed. It appears here in the middle voice indicating action that is done to or for the subject, by the subject.

Meaning Explained

Why does James call us adulteresses? Is he only talking to women? No. Does he think that none of us can remain faithful to our spouse? Certainly not! James is using the term in a spiritual sense. As Christians, our relationship to Christ is likened to a marriage relationship. The church is rightfully called “The Bride of Christ.” We are engaged to him now, the marriage will take place after the rapture, and will be followed by the wedding feast and a heavenly honeymoon! If we are spiritually unfaithful, meaning we place greater importance in something else than in our relationship to God, then we have committed idolatry, which is spiritual adultery.

James says that friendship with the world is idolatrous. The word translated “world” is kosmos. It does not refer to the physical earth, but to the world system. Christians need to be different than the unsaved inhabitants of this world. We need to guard against being caught up in all the trappings of the world system. And, in spite of what many are preaching today, we do not want to be world friendly! Otherwise, James says, we place ourselves in the position of being God’s enemies! We should be friends with those who are caught up in the world so we can be witnesses to them, but we must not buy in to their values, ideals, or goals.


Christians should be distinctly different from those who are caught up in the world. We don’t need to be weirdly different. Instead, we should be delightfully different. Now, that’s something to think about!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

James 2:20 – A Fool Without Works

But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is useless?

Truth to Learn

God calls all true believers to do good works.

Behind the Words

“Want” (“will” in some translations) is translated from thelō, which refers to the will of man (the determined will). It is a different word than boulomai (also translated “will”), which refers to the desirous will of man. Thelō includes active volition and purpose instead of just a simple desire. It is sometimes translated as “determine.”

The word “foolish” is translated from kenos, which simply means “empty.” James is most likely referring to a person who is empty of knowledge on this subject. In the New Testament a fool is someone who rejects God’s teachings. Here, James is simply saying that the person is lacking knowledge.

“Without” is the same word we saw back in verse eighteen, chōris, which means “separately, by itself, or apart from.” In other words, saving faith simply does not exist separated from good works.

“Useless” is translated from the Greek word argos, although some manuscripts have the word nekros, meaning “dead.” Argos is made up of the privative a, meaning “not” or “without” and a form of ergon, meaning work. Hence, it refers to something that is not working, or that is idle and has no effect. It is useless.

Meaning Explained

Back in verse eighteen, James started this path of reasoning by using a hypothetical argument against a saving faith which is not accompanied by works.

But someone will say, "You have faith, and I have works." Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.

James is politely saying to anyone who doubts his assertion, that they are uninformed; they are empty and void of understanding. He simply states once again that faith without the evidence of works is not saving faith (it does not produce new life in Christ). It is useless faith, a faith that doesn’t work!

As pointed out earlier, the Greek word translated “without” really means “separate from.” James is emphatically declaring that true faith does not exist separate from good deeds. A genuine saving faith in the blood of Jesus Christ will always be accompanied by good works. The good works accompany salvation and are the evidence of salvation.

In the next few verses James is going to give a couple of examples of people who proved their faith through their works. In these verses, notice that neither Abram nor Rahab chose the works that became the evidence of their faith. The works were chosen by God for them to do.


Do you ever feel the Spirit of God prompting you to do a good deed? It may be as simple as helping an elderly person who has a physical need, or it may be an opportunity to witness to someone about salvation through Jesus Christ. Whatever it is, your obedience is evidence of your salvation.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved


1 Thessalonians 4:13 – Dead, But Still Alive

But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope.

Truth to Learn

For Christians, physical death is not the end of existence.

Behind the Words

I … want” is translated from the Greek verb thelō, which means “to want” or “to desire.” But it carries more weight than simply a wish, because it involves volition and purpose, seeing one’s desire to its completion. It could be translated as “I am determined.” It is expressed here in the first person singular (I), but the best manuscripts have it as first person plural (we).

The word translated “ignorant” is agnoeō, which is made up of a, meaning “not” and noeō, meaning “to know, to recognize, or to understand.” Thus, agnoeō means “to not know.”

The words “have fallen asleep” is from a form of koimaō, which literally means “to cause to lie down to sleep.” It is used metaphorically as a reference to those who have died physically. It is expressed in the perfect tense indicating past action completed at a point in time with an ongoing effect, the emphasis being on the ongoing effect.

Sorrow” is translated from the verb lupeō, which means “to grieve” or “to be sorrowful.” It is expressed as a present tense, subjunctive verb, indicating the possibility of something happening in an ongoing manner.

Meaning Explained

In this fourth chapter of his letter to the Thessalonians, Paul has switched from comforting and encouraging the saints, to teaching doctrine to them (us). He started by teaching that we are to avoid fornication (sexual activity outside of marriage). Then he taught the importance of increasing our demonstration of brotherly love.

For the remainder of this chapter and the first half of the next chapter, Paul is teaching about events that will occur at the end times. First he will teach us about the rapture of the church. Then he will teach about the day (time period) of the Lord, when God will judge the world and its ungodly inhabitants. He makes it very clear that the rapture, which is referred to as “the day of Christ” or “the day of Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 1:8; Philippians 1:6, 10; Philippians 2:16; and 2 Thessalonians 2:2) and “the day of the Lord” are not the same.

He says that he is determined that the Christians in Thessalonica not be ignorant. That’s Paul’s polite way of saying “you are ignorant about something and I want to inform you.” He tells them, and us, something interesting about Christians who have died physically (those who have fallen asleep). He says, “Don’t be overly filled with sorrow like unbelievers who have no hope.” The reason we are not to grieve too much is because we have a hope that the unsaved don’t have. He will explain this hope in the next few verses.


When a loved ones pass through the door of physical death, it is natural for us to grieve. We grieve because they are no longer in our presence physically and we will greatly miss them. But, if they were believers in Jesus Christ, they are not gone from existence, they have simply moved from the physical world to paradise, where they are in the presence of God. We who are Christians will see them again someday and together we will be in God’s presence, eternally.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved