Category: 2 Peter 1

2 Peter 1:11 – Heavenly Homecoming

for in this way the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be abundantly supplied to you.

Truth to Learn

Our entrance into heaven will be affected by the way we spend our life here on the earth.


Behind the Words

Peter starts off this verse with the Greek words houtōs gar, which are connective words meaning, “for in this way.” In other words, “having built these character qualities upon the foundation of our calling and election …”

The next two Greek words are wonderfully descriptive. Although they are the next two words in the Greek text, they are translated at the end of this verse. They are, plousios, meaning “abundantly” or “copiously,” almost to the point of being excessive, and epichorēgeō, which is a compound word made up of epi, meaning “above” or “over” and choregeō, meaning “to furnish, to supply, or to outfit.” Hence, we will be lavishly outfitted or “dressed” for a very spectacular event: our entrance into the eternal kingdom


Meaning Explained

Peter has been exhorting us to work diligently to build the previously mentioned Christian character qualities upon the foundation of our calling and election. He said that in doing this, we will never lose our salvation. Peter now tells us that there will be a future benefit to us as well if we develop these character qualities.

Scripture tells us that immediately after the rapture of the church, when Christ returns with the departed saints and unites us all with our heavenly bodies, we will appear before the Bema Seat (judgment seat) of Christ. This is the believers’ judgment where we will receive rewards in the form of crowns for the things we have done in this life. The next thing after the Bema Seat Judgment will be the introduction of the saints to the great King of Kings. Peter is here giving us a glimpse of this “entrance into the eternal kingdom.”

We will be lavishly outfitted for our entrance into the eternal kingdom and our presentation to the God of all creation. Peter refers to it as “the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” This will be our celebratory homecoming event. It is likely that this will also be our opportunity to cast our crowns at His feet proclaiming, “You are worthy, O Lord!”

But, let us not lose focus on what Peter is saying in the midst of all this pomp and circumstance. The point he is making in this verse is that what we do on this earth with the life (both the physical life and the spiritual life) we have been freely given will have a dramatic future effect on us that is worthy of note.

Some will be ushered into the eternal kingdom with the smell of smoke clinging to them as all their earthly works have been burned-up because they were self-serving instead of God-serving. Others will be ushered into the kingdom lavishly adorned because they have spent their time of sojourning here on this earth in the humble service of their Lord and Savior. These are those who lived this life for the glory of God rather than for their own glory.



How will you be dressed when you are ushered into the kingdom and appear face-to-face before the one who gave his all for you? Will you smell of smoke, or will you be richly adorned with a crown to cast at His feet?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 1:10 – Secure Salvation

Therefore, my brothers, instead be all the more diligent to make your calling and election firm. For if you do these things, you will never stumble,

Truth to Learn

If you are truly saved, then you are completely saved, forever!


Behind the Words

“Therefore” is translated from dio, which means “for which, wherefore, or therefore.”

The word “diligent” is translated from the Greek verb spoudadzō, which comes from the same root as one of the words we looked at in verse five, spoude. It refers to “speed, earnestness, diligence, or zeal.” It is used here in the imperative mood, indicating a command. In the context of the past few verses, this could possibly be translated as “zealous.”

“Calling” is from the Greek klēsis, which refers to “an invitation.” And the word “election” is from the Greek  eklogē, which comes from eklegō (to choose), referring to something that was “chosen” or “selected.”

The word “firm” is from “bebaios,” meaning “fixed” or “firm.” Figuratively, this word refers to the foundation upon which something is built. Literally, we could translate this word as “foundational,” meaning that which is sure, firm, secure, and upon which other things can be built.

The expression “you will never stumble” is translated from ou me ptaisēte pote, which literally means, “no not stumble ever.” The double negative, although improper in English, is a way of emphasizing the point in Greek. We could translate this as “you will in no way stumble, ever!”


Meaning Explained

Peter has been talking about the character qualities that all Christians need to develop in order to be mature, and he spoke in verse nine about the consequences of not diligently pursuing these qualities. Those who don’t work hard at developing these qualities actually become less Christ-like and become blinded, unable to see the truth, and they become forgetful of the work done to wipe out the consequences of their sins. Therefore, says Peter, work even harder at developing these Christian characteristics.

When Peter says to “make your calling and election firm” he is not saying “to eliminate doubt” about them. He is not questioning the doctrine of election; rather he is affirming it by saying that we are to be diligent in demonstrating the firmness of our calling and election. The word “if” is not in the original Greek. Literally he says, “for doing these things there is no way you would stumble, ever!”

There has been much debate about what he means that there is no way we would ever stumble. But if we look at the next verse we see that he is talking about our entrance into the everlasting kingdom. In other words, Peter is telling us that as we build on the sure foundation of our salvation, which was made sure by our calling and election, then we will absolutely never lose our salvation, ever!



Perhaps you have been taught that if you commit certain kinds of sins you will lose your salvation. According to Peter, however, if you are demonstrating your salvation by developing these character qualities, it is proof that you are saved, and you will never ever lose your salvation.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 1:9 – Blinding Laziness

For anyone who does not have these things is blind, nearsighted, having forgotten the cleansing of his past sins.

Truth to Learn

Being spiritually lazy is an indication that we have forgotten what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross.


Behind the Words

The word translated “blind” is tuphlos, which means “to be enveloped with smoke.” There are two effects that smoke has on our vision. The first is that it obscures our vision and cuts down how far we can see. The second thing that smoke does is that it irritates the eyes and causes an involuntary muscle reaction which causes them to shut tight. Hence, this word has come to mean “blind.”

The word “nearsighted” comes from the Greek word muōpadzō, which literally means “to shut the eyes” or “to squint.” It refers to a person who squints the eyes in an effort to see things far away. Hence, it has been translated as nearsighted.


Meaning Explained

Peter has been talking about the Christian character qualities that we all need to be working hard to develop in ourselves. Now he looks at the other side of the coin, so to speak. He talks about what happens to us if we don’t apply ourselves to developing these qualities.

Peter is telling us that if we are not earnestly trying to grow in our Christian experience, then we are walking into smoke and our vision (that is our spiritual vision) is greatly hampered, perhaps even cut off. Peter then tells us that the next step in our wanderings is that we forget what our gracious God has done for us in cleansing us from our sins.

This sounds like what used to be referred to as “backsliding.” Let us not take it lightly, though! It is a serious condition for a Christian. Remember that we have an enemy who walks around “like a roaring lion seeking whom He might devour.” Not only that, he wants to take away our joy and our peace. He knows that all he has to do is help us to become lazy Christians and we will gradually go spiritually blind, and we will forget what our real reason for living is.

Jesus’ death on the cross and the shedding of His blood has cleansed us from our sins. He has given His all for us, we need to show Him how thankful we are by giving our all for Him. If we aren’t living for Him and growing in our faith, then we’re just being selfish.



Do you feel like God is not listening to your prayers? Have you lost the joy of your salvation? Do you find it hard to see (understand) what God is trying to tell you? If so, re-read the first seven verses in this chapter slowly and carefully and put yourself to work developing the Christian character qualities that we have been talking about for the past week. Confess your sins to God and humble yourself before Him, and in His time He will lift you up. I call it “submit and commit!”

One final closing thought for today is summed up in a couple of questions that I heard as a young Christian, which have stuck with me and which God has used a number of times to prod me when I have become spiritually lazy.

Does God seem far away? Who do you think moved?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 1:8 – A Growing Christian

For these things being in you and abounding, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Truth to Learn

We need to be continually growing in our Christian faith.


Behind the Words

The word “being” is the Greek word huparchonta, which means “to begin to be” or “to come into existence.” It is expressed here as a present, active participle, indicating continual action. So we could translate the beginning of this verse as, “For these things are beginning to be to you” or “For you are continually acquiring these things.”

The word “abounding” is translated from the Greek word pleonadzō, which means “to cause to increase.” In the Greek text this word and huparchonta are joined by the equivalent of our English word “and.” The implication is that we should be constantly acquiring these character qualities and consistently building on what we already have.

“Ineffective” is from argos, meaning “not working” or “inactive,” and “unproductive” is from akarpos, meaning “without fruit.”


Meaning Explained

Okay, so why is it so important that we develop these Christian qualities that Peter has been talking about? Why should we work hard at developing faith, morality, knowledge and understanding, self-control, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love? Peter says that if these qualities are constantly growing in us then we will neither be idle nor unfruitful.

The last phrase of today’s verse is a little misleading due to an unfortunate translation. The word translated “in” is the Greek word “eis” which means “into” or “unto” implying a result, and the word translated “knowledge” is the word “epignosin” which means complete knowledge or full understanding. Peter is saying that developing these Christian qualities in abundance will result in constant successful efforts in the service of the King, resulting in a complete understanding of Him.

This was the Apostle Paul’s desire in Philippians 3:7-10 where he expressed disdain for the things of this world in favor of knowing Christ,

But whatever things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. But no, rather, I also count all things to be loss because of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them to be dung, so that I may gain Christ and be found in Him; not having my own righteousness, which is of the Law, but through the faith of Christ, having the righteousness of God by faith, to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, having been conformed to His death;

Is that your desire, to disdain worldly accomplishments, to know God better, to serve Him more faithfully?



Back in verse five we said: as a Christian you’re either moving forward, or you’re sliding backward. Which direction is your Christian life going? Which way does God want you to go?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 1:7 – Lovely Focus

and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.

Truth to Learn

The ultimate objective of a Christian is to love.


Behind the Words

“Brotherly kindness” is the translation of the Greek word philadelphia. This is a very familiar compound word made up of  philos, which literally means “dear” but by implication means “fondness” or “familial love,” and adelphos, which means “brother.” Hence, the translation “brotherly kindness” or “brotherly love.”

The final word in this verse is agape. So much has been said about this word that it hardly seems necessary to say more. It refers to “benevolence, goodwill, or affection.” It is the kind of self-less love that is focused on doing what is best for the object of the love, in spite of what he or she thinks they want.


Meaning Explained

In today’s verse, Peter continues his list of character qualities that we are to work at developing. So far the list includes faith, morality (goodness), knowledge, self-control, perseverance, and godliness. The last two items he includes are brotherly kindness and love.

Brotherly kindness is the kind of affection that we have for close friends. It is a desire to do good things for them, making their comfort and needs equal to or greater than our own. Agape love, however, describes a type of love that displays the utmost in concern and care for the object of the love. It is a self-sacrificing love that endures pain and hardship for the sake of the loved one. The ultimate demonstration of agape love was when God the Father gave His Son to be sacrificed as payment for our sins, even though we didn’t ask for it (or even know that we needed it). There is no greater love than this. Jesus explained it to His disciples this way:

This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. (John 15:12,13)

The Apostle John says that this is how we know what agape love is:

By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. (I John 3:16)

It is the love of the Son to the Father that even though He didn’t want to go through with it, Jesus was willing to do so because it was what the Father wanted.

"O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet, not as I will, but as You will." (Matthew 26:39b)

This kind of love does not come naturally to any of us. It is not a feeling but an action. It’s evidenced not by what we say, but what we do. And, it only comes as we build up our Christian character and allow God to love others through us.



Neither brotherly kindness nor love is focused on self. They are both focused on others. We cannot be focused on ourselves and focused on God at the same time. Our love of God is demonstrated by our submission to Him and His will. Where is your focus today?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 1:6 – Self-control, Perseverance, & Godliness

and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness;

Truth to Learn

With hard work we can develop a more Christ-like character.


Behind the Words

The word translated “self-control” (‘temperance” in some translations) is engkratia. This is a compound word made up of en, meaning “in” and a form of kratos, meaning “power or strength.” Some, today, equate this with refraining from the use of alcoholic beverages. That is not specifically what this word means. It refers to the ability to have “inward control.” In other words, controlling ourselves in whatever we allow ourselves to do in the sight of God.

“Perseverance” is translated from the Greek word hupomonē. This also is a compound word that is made up of hupo (or hypo), meaning “under” and meno, which means “to abide” or “to remain.” This is a picture of a beast of burden that remains under a load in spite of the weight.

The word “godliness” is from the Greek word eusebeia. This is another compound word made up or eu meaning “good” and a form of sebomai, which means “to worship” or “to revere.” Hence, eusebeia refers to a person who is devout, pious, and fully committed to God.


Meaning Explained

Continuing on from the last verse, you will remember that Peter is admonishing us to apply all diligence, that is to work hard and work consistently, to developing certain qualities or characteristics in our Christian faith. In the last verse we were told to increase in morality and knowledge (of God and what He has done for us). In today’s verse Peter adds three more things that we are to work hard at developing in ourselves. Let’s look at these three things.

The first of these is self-control. I like the way that Adam Clarke described this word:

It is a proper and limited use of all earthly enjoyments, keeping every sense under proper restraints, and never permitting the animal part to subjugate the rational.

The second thing we are told to develop in today’s verse is perseverance. As we develop self-control, the temptation or pressure lasts longer and we need to continue to endure it, to persevere. Like a beast of burden, we are to remain under whatever load God has placed on us without complaining. It means patience or endurance with regard to situations or circumstances, not letting yourself lose control or lose faith.

The third thing we are to develop is godliness. As we learn to persevere, we experience more of the unfaltering love that God has for us. From this personal experience we become more devout and committed to Him. This godliness refers not just to the outward show of piety, but loving and magnifying God in our hearts. This godliness begins on the inside with a deepened, total commitment to God and then evidences itself in all of our deeds and actions.



Self-control, perseverance, and godliness are three essential parts of any Christian’s character. And, they come not by simply letting them happen, but by diligent, hard work.

Are you up to the challenge?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 1:5 – Diligent Growth

And for this very reason, make all diligence in your faith to add goodness; and to goodness, knowledge;

Truth to Learn

No matter where we are in our Christian experience today, we need to be growing and maturing in our relationship to God.


Behind the Words

“All” is translated from pas which means “all” or “every,” but it includes the idea of oneness, a totality or the whole. Hence Peter is telling us to use all of our effort. Today we might say “every ounce of effort.”

The word “diligence” is from the Greek word spoudē, which refers to “speed, earnestness, diligence, or zeal.”

The word translated “add” is from the Greek word epichorēgeō, which means “to abundantly furnish.” It is not a mere adding a little more of what you already have, rather it is an intensive and abundant addition. It is expressed in the imperative mood, indicating a command, not a suggestion.

“Goodness” is a translation of the word aretē, which means “manliness” or “valor.” It denotes that which is good or worthy in a moral sense.


Meaning Explained

“And for this very reason” is a connective phrase so we need to see what it is referring to. In this case, the reference is to the preceding two verses. Because He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness, because of His exceedingly great and precious promises, because one day we will be partakers of His divine nature … we need to do the following:

We need to be using all of our effort to grow in goodness and knowledge. In other words, don’t take these promises and the saving faith that you have for granted, and don’t just meander through life knowing you now have your “ticket” into heaven. Rather, apply yourself with earnestness and diligence to add some things to your faith.

Peter uses words of force here to communicate to the Christians of his day, and to us today, the need to work long and hard at growing as a Christian. Simply being a committed Christian by itself is a difficult assignment for anyone, but Peter is saying that we need to work hard at developing our Christianity. We need to be growing!

He says that there are several areas where we need to apply that effort. The first is improving our faith and developing goodness. In other words, Peter is telling us in addition to growing our faith, we need to grow in our morality (something that is rapidly slipping away in the world today). And along with this, Peter tells us that we need to be diligent in growing our knowledge of God and His promises. That doesn’t simply mean listening to a sermon once a week. We need to be doing a lot more! We need to be reading the Bible regularly, attending Bible studies or studying on our own, and applying the things we learn to our relationship with God.



I heard a preacher once say that in out Christian life we are never standing still, we’re either moving ahead or we’re sliding back. Which direction is your Christian life going today?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 1:4 – Eternally Divine

Through these he has given us the very great and precious promises, that through them you may be partakers of the divine nature, escaping the corruption in the world caused by lusts.

Truth to Learn

In eternity, we will share in God’s divine nature.


Behind the Words

The expression “very great” comes from the Greek “megista,” which is the superlative form of “mega” (big or great), so the text tells us that He has given us the greatest promises which are of great value.

“May be partakers” seems to imply that there is a chance that we might not as well. This is not what the Greek says. It is from the Greek hina ginesthe koinonoi. The construction denotes the “telic subjunctive” mood of the verb, which means it is an act of purpose. That is to say, “it is certain that we will be partakers of the divine nature.”


Meaning Explained

Peter starts out this verse with “Through these,” which is one of those connective phrases that we need to look at more carefully. This phrase is translated from the Greek words di hōn, which literally mean “through which things.” Well, what “things” is he talking about? It could be “glory and virtue,” it could be the “grace and peace” referred to in verse 2, it could be all of these, or it could refer to “His divine power” and “the knowledge of him.” Why? Because Greek is very particular in that a relative pronoun (these) must agree with the noun(s) it is referring to in both gender and number. All of these things are feminine nouns and the Greek pronoun translated “these” is a feminine, plural, relative pronoun, so it can’t refer to only one of these things alone, and may refer to them all. However, as I read it, Peter seems to be referring specifically to His divine power and our in-depth knowledge of Him from verse three.

Through these things, Peter tells us, God has given us the greatest of precious promises. And what are these promises? They are promises of salvation by grace through faith, of a Savior who will never leave us nor forsake us, of eternal blessing in the presence of our divine creator, and of peace and protection in times of suffering, plus many more.

He then tells us that through these things we will “be partakers of the divine nature.” This verse is not telling us that we will be gods some day as some false religions erroneously teach. It tells us that we will experience the godliness of God in a very special way, which is reserved only for those who are saved. Peter tells us that we will experience it “… having escaped the corruption (literally “decay’) that is in the world through caused by lusts.” In other words, we will experience this sharing in the divine nature after we die and are glorified with Christ.

As if the mere thought of being in Heaven and being in His presence eternally wasn’t enough, we will also, somehow, experience the godliness of God in a unique and special way. This, alone, should make the fear of death disappear for any born-again believer!



This participation in the divine nature is a privilege that is reserved only for those who have professed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. And, if we will share in God’s divine nature some day, shouldn’t our current behavior reflect that fact?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 1:3 – God-given Godliness

His divine power has given us everything pertaining to life and godliness through the full knowledge of him who called us through glory and worthiness.

Truth to Learn

All that we need for life and godliness comes from God.


Behind the Words

“Divine” is translated from theios, which is derived from theos, meaning “God.” It refers to that which is uniquely God’s and proceeds directly from Him.

The verb “has given” is translated from dōreomai, which means “to give a gift” (one that is undeserved). It is expressed here in the perfect tense, indicating past completed action with an ongoing effect, where the emphasis is on the effect.

“Full knowledge” is the same word, epignōsis that we looked at in the previous verse, meaning complete, in-depth knowledge.

The word translated “worthiness” is the Greek word arêtes, which means “moral excellence” or “superiority.”


Meaning Explained

In this verse Peter continues his benediction by saying that it is through His Godly power that Jesus Christ has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. Some have supposed that this means all things that pertain to spiritual life and godliness, but I am of the persuasion that he means all aspects of life, both earthly and eternal. As born-again Christians we have everything we need to live a successful life of faith and to expect eternal life in the grace of God, not because we have done anything, but because He has given it to us through His divine power.

As we noted above, the act of giving was accomplished in the past, but it has current ongoing consequences. The point when the giving actually took place can be interpreted either as the point in time when we accepted Christ as Lord and Savior or the point in eternity past when He chose us:

Even as he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and without blemish before him In love (Ephesians 1:4)

Peter seems to imply that we receive everything we need for life and godliness by developing the in-depth, personal knowledge of God in Jesus Christ that we talked about in the last verse. He is the one who called us, and He is the one who empowers us:

Among whom you are also called to belong to Jesus Christ. (Romans 1:6)

What I want you to see from these two verses is that God shows His grace to us and gives us peace as we recognize and accept who He is and what He has done. And because of His divinity and power, He has called us to Himself and He has given us everything we need for life and for living in a godly manner. But we only get this through understanding and thoroughly knowing who He is, how glorious He is, and how powerful He is.



We must recognize that we are what we are and we have the salvation that we have solely because of who He is, not because of what we have done.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 1:2 – Abundant Peace

According to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the Spirit to obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied to you.

Truth to Learn

Peace with God comes from complete knowledge of Him.


Behind the Words

Some translations use the expression, “through the foreknowledge of God,” which is a little misleading. The normal word in Greek for “through” is dia, but that is not the word used here. The Greek word used here is kata, which in this case means “according to” It’s a fairly minor point but it is this: grace and peace do not come as a process (through the doing of something), they are found in something (in a full knowledge of Him, and in an intimate relationship with Him).

The word translated “knowledge” is the Greek word epignōsis, which is made up of epi, meaning “over or above” and ginōskō, meaning “to know, in an absolute sense.” Therefore, it is much more than simply knowing about God. It means having an intimate relationship with Him based on thorough knowledge. It’s not the knowledge that we get by simply being exposed to Him, but the complete knowledge we get by spending time with Him, studying Him carefully and thoughtfully.

The word translated “multiplied” is plēthunō, which is derived from plēthō, meaning “to fill.” Plēthunō means “to be filled up” or “to increase fully.” It is expressed here is in the optative mood, indicating a sincere desire on Peter’s part.


Meaning Explained

Peter now offers a significant benediction to his intended readers. He proclaims that grace and peace should increase to the readers of this letter. Literally, he says, “Grace to you and peace to be filled-up.” That is, grace in the form of forgiveness of our sins by a righteous God through the sacrifice of His son, and peace, that elusive characteristic and quality that only comes to one who is firmly fixed within the body of Christ. Peter is not wishing for a little peace, but that his readers be filled with it.

If you search the New Testament carefully, you will see that God never promises Christians pleasure or comfort. Instead, He promises us peace. The Apostle Paul says that righteousness, peace, and joy are what the kingdom of God is all about:

For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, (Romans 14:17)

Also, notice that Paul told the Christians in Rome that it is not just peace in general, but peace with God:

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, (Romans 5:1)

Now we see that Peter tells us the blessings of grace and peace come as a result of having a thorough knowledge of God, which only comes by careful study and consistent fellowship.



Do you have peace with God? The more you learn about Him and the more you submit to His lordship over you, the more peace you will have no matter what may be happening around you.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved