Tag: kaleo

1 Thessalonians 4:7 – Uncleanness or Holiness

For God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness.

Truth to Learn

We are to avoid uncleanness and separate ourselves to God.

Behind the Words

The word translated “call” is kaleō. This word primarily means “to call out to someone, inviting him or her to come or to go somewhere.”

To” is translated from epi, which can mean “on, upon, or over,” but it can also be used as a preposition of purpose and can be translated as “for.”

Uncleanness” is from the Greek word akatharsia, which is made up of the privative a, meaning “not” or “without” and a form of the verb kathairō, meaning “to cleanse.” Thus, akatharsia refers to “the state of being not cleansed or unclean.”

The word “in” is translated from the preposition en, which refers to a position at rest within something (not movement into or movement out of, but in).

Hagiasmos is the Greek word translated “holiness.” We saw this word back in verse three. Hagiasmos indicates “separation from sin and dedication to God.”

Meaning Explained

In this portion of Paul’s letter to the Christians at Thessalonica, he has been giving doctrinal instruction regarding fornication (sexual activity with anyone other than one’s husband or wife). He started off by saying that we should keep ourselves away from such activity and, instead, care for and nurture the person to whom we are married. Our relationship with our husband or wife should not be based on lust, and we should not go beyond the proper bounds of marriage in this matter.

Now Paul tells us why this particular teaching is consistent with what God wants for us. He says that this (sinful sexual activity) is not the purpose for which God called us. Through His holy Word (the Bible), God calls each one of us to follow Him, but there are two aspects of this calling. The first is the “general call.” In Matthew 22:14, as part of His parable of the wedding feast, Jesus said:

"For many are called, but few are chosen."

The second aspect of God’s calling is sometimes referred to as the “effectual call.” This refers to the calling in which those who hear His call respond to it by submitting to His will and following Him. This aspect of God’s calling is referred to numerous times in the New Testament (see Romans 1:6, 7; Romans 8:28-30; 1 Corinthians 1:2, 9, 26, Galatians 1:15, 5:13; Ephesians 4:1, 4, etc.)

Paul tells the Thessalonians that we were not called for the purpose of uncleanness, but holiness. The contrast between these two conditions (uncleanness and holiness) is further emphasized by Paul’s use of different prepositions (epi and en). God expects us to live our lives in a holy manner. He expects us to live our lives separated from the sinful practices of the world and to remain dedicated and devoted to Him.


Living a life separated from the sinfulness of the world and remaining dedicated to following God is not easy! It is a constant struggle for all Christians, but it is the life that He has called us to. It can only be accomplished by constant prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit. Are you committed to that?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 2:12 – Walking Worthy

that you would walk worthy of God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory.

Truth to Learn

Encouragement and instruction help us to become more godly.

Behind the Words

The word “that” is translated from a form of idiom that Paul uses frequently. It consists of eis to and the infinitive of the following verb. A literal translation would be “unto this thing.” The effect of this idiom is to tie what was just said to what is about to be said. In effect, Paul is saying, “the reason I exhorted, and comforted, and charged every one of you is so that you might …”

Walk” is from the Greek verb peripateō. This is made up of peri, meaning “around” or “about” and pateō, meaning “to walk.” So you can see that this verb literally means “to walk around” or “to walk about.” Figuratively, it refers to the manner in which a person lives his or her life.

The word “worthy” is from axiōs, which is derived from agō, meaning “to weigh.” It is a picture of an item being put on a scale to determine its worth or worthiness.

Calls” is translated from the verb kaleō, which means “to call or to hail someone.” In its primary sense this verb refers to calling someone so that he or she might come or go somewhere. It is expressed here as a present participle, indicating current continuous action.

Glory” is translated from doxa, which is derived from the verb dokeō, meaning “to think” or “to recognize.” Doxa refers to favorable thought or opinion. In a secondary sense it means “reputation, praise, honor, glory, or splendor.”

Meaning Explained

Paul says that he performed the functions of a father figure to the Thessalonians so that their lives might measure up to what one would expect from a child of God. In performing the fatherly function, he sometimes had to do the difficult things. Things like scolding and correcting wrong actions and attitudes have to be done if a child is to learn proper behavior. Back in verse eight he informed the Thessalonian believers that they had become dear to him. We noted that the word translated “dear” in that verse is agapētos, indicating a strong motherly or fatherly love for the people. So, like a loving father, Paul did what was necessary to raise them up spiritually.

We find out now that Paul’s motives were not selfish. He was not seeking his own glory. He fathered the Thessalonian church so that these Christians would be able to live their lives in a manner that is worthy of a child of God. We also learn something here regarding how God is treating all of his dear children. There are numerous verses in the New Testament indicating the fact that we have been called to salvation and service by God. Here we learn that he is continually calling us. This is like a father at a soccer game giving a son or daughter instructions and encouragement from the sidelines. Why does God do this? Because He wants us in His kingdom, and He wants us to experience His glory.


Do you have a “father in the Lord,” someone who teaches you, comforts you, and challenges you? When was the last time you thanked him for being a godly example to you? Why not send him a note. It might just be the encouragement he needs today.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 4:1 – Serve One, Serve All

I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called,

Truth to Learn

We are all called to serve in God’s church.

Behind the Words

Prisoner” is from desmios, which is derived from the verb desmeō, meaning “to bind.” Thus, desmios means “someone in bonds” or “a prisoner.”

The word “beseech” is translated from the Greek verb parakaleō, which is made up of para, meaning “to the side of” or “near” and kaleō, meaning “to call.” Therefore, we can see that literally this word means “to call near.” In usage, the basic meaning is “to comfort,” “to encourage,” or “to challenge.”

Walk” is from peripateō. This is made up of peri, meaning “around,” “through,” or “with respect to” and pateō, meaning “to walk.” This Greek word means “to walk around.” It is used as a reference to how a person lives his or her life.

The word “calling” is klēsis, which is derived from kaleō, “to call.” It refers to “an invitation.”

You were called” is translated from the verb kaleō, “to call.” It is expressed in the aorist tense indicating past completed action which occurred at a point in time (not a process).

Meaning Explained

The Apostle Paul starts off this verse reminding his readers that he is a prisoner of the Lord. This is very similar to the way he started off the previous chapter. There, he did so to introduce his ministry to the Gentiles and the mystery regarding the church. Here, he reminds them that he is a prisoner because he is about to challenge his readers to live a life that is characterized by service to others rather than serving self. As a prisoner, he is a supreme example of this.

Most of the first three chapters of this letter were focused on teaching doctrine. In the remainder of the letter, Paul focuses on duty. Another way to say this is, previously he taught us what to believe; now he will teach us how to behave.

As you can see from Behind the Words, in this verse Paul uses several forms of the word kaleō (to call). This is typical Pauline style. He likes to play on words like this as a device to drive home his message. He is in prison because God called him to preach the gospel to Gentiles, thus angering religious Jews who thought he was perverting Judaism. He was more concerned with serving God than he was with protecting himself. In fact, before his final trip to Jerusalem, where he was arrested, he was told by a prophet that he would end up in chains:

When he [the prophet Agabus] had come to us, he took Paul's belt, bound his own hands and feet, and said, "Thus says the Holy Spirit, 'So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt, and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.' " (Acts 21:11)

Paul was totally dedicated to the ministry to which he had been called. Now he will be challenging us to be just as dedicated to the ministry to which each of us has been called.


Every Christian has been called by God to serve within the body of Christ. Each of us has a function to perform for which God has specifically gifted us. There is no excuse for any of us not to be serving. Are you performing the ministry to which you have been called by God?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

Romans 9:24 – Jews and Gentiles

Romans 9:24 – Jews and Gentiles

even us whom He called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?

Truth to Learn

God chose us, Jews and Gentiles alike, to be His holy children so that He will receive praise and glory.

Behind the Words

Called” is from the Greek word kaleō, which properly means “to call aloud to someone.” It represents the action of calling to someone to give them instructions.

The expression, “of the Jews” is translated from ex ioudaion, which literally means, “out of Jews.” And the expression “of the Gentiles” is from ex ethnon, which literally means “out of nations” or “out of gentiles.

Meaning Explained

As you will recall, Paul has written this letter to the Christian Jews in Rome. Part of his reason for writing this letter is to show them that this salvation they have does not come from being born a Jew, but from being chosen by God. The Jewish people, however, have always considered themselves the special chosen people of God. They believed that as descendents of Abraham they were chosen and set-apart. They also believed that by keeping the Law they were justified before God. In the earlier portion of this letter, Paul clearly showed that justification does not come from keeping the Law but, instead, it comes as a result of God’s free gift of grace. None of us deserve it because:

all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, (Romans 3:23)

But, because they believed that they were a chosen nation, the early Jewish Christians would likely miss the impact of what Paul has just said, namely that God has chosen the “elect” to receive His grace and only they would gain entrance into His glory in the hereafter. They believed they were the “elect” because they were descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. That’s why the current verse would come as a surprise to a lot of them.

There are two very clear implications in this verse. The first is that not all Jews are called, only some of them. That is demonstrated by the fact that Paul said the called ones were “out of the Jews.” The second is that God called some of the Gentiles as well. This would come as a surprise to some of the Jewish Christians in Rome. These early Jewish Christians had believed that all Jews were called and only Jews were called. Paul, however, is clearly teaching them that being a physical descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has absolutely nothing to do with their being chosen to salvation.

In the next few verses Paul will amplify this statement with quotes from the Old Testament which demonstrate the fact that God does not shower His grace on Jews exclusively.


Being one of God’s chosen called ones is not a reason for pride. It is a reason for humility. God has not chosen us because of what family we are in or what church we go to. He has not chosen us because we performed the proper rituals or because we chose to believe. He chose us because it will bring glory to Him. For that we should be thankful and humbled and we should give Him all the praise and all the glory.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 9:7 – Isaac, God’s Choice

Romans 9:7 – Isaac, God’s Choice

nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, “in Isaac your seed shall be called.”

Truth to Learn

God chose Isaac as the promised seed of Abraham.

Behind the Words

The word “children” is translated from the Greek word teknon, which is the noun form of the verb tiktō, meaning “to give birth to offspring.” Hence, teknon refers to a child. This word does not imply gender as does the word huios (son).

Seed” is from sperma, meaning “something sown, that is a seed.” Metaphorically, it refers to the offspring that is produced by the seed.

The word “called” is kaleō, which properly means “to call aloud to someone,” but it is also used in the sense of naming someone or something.

Meaning Explained

Paul now continues his explanation of why ancestry is no guarantee of righteousness. He just said that not all the people of Israel are spiritual descendants of their father Israel. He started with Israel because he is the one from whom the nation got its name. Now he will cover the other two of the three main patriarchs.

Since the calling and the promises for the nation started with the calling of Abraham, Paul now addresses this part of their lineage. Just because they are descendants of their father Abraham doesn’t mean that they are considered children of the promise. Remember that the first child of Abraham was Ishmael not Isaac. By the laws of primogeniture (oldest son inheriting the prime blessing and a double portion or all of the estate of the father), Ishmael should be the one through whom the lineage of Abram is recognized. However, God chose Isaac, the son of promise, to be the blessed one. Note also that Ishmael is the father of the Arabs. The Arabs to this day dislike the Jews partially because of this transferring of the blessing from Ishmael to Isaac.

Isaac is the son that God promised to Abraham and for whom Abraham had to wait 25 years. When Isaac was born, Ishmael was a teenager, and the jealousy of Ishmael and his mother Hagar (the personal maid servant of Abraham’s wife Sarah) caused them to be cast out from the clan. As Abraham wrestled with sending his first son away, God told him;

Do not let it be displeasing in your sight because of the lad or because of your bondwoman. Whatever Sarah has said to you, listen to her voice; for in Isaac your seed shall be called. (Genesis 21:12)

It was not Abraham’s choice to place Isaac above Ishmael, it was God’s choice. Isaac was the promised son, not Ishmael. Isaac was God’s chosen one and Ishmael was not! As a result, the seed of Isaac (through Jacob) became God’s chosen people. It may not seem fair to us that God chose Isaac above Ishmael, but He did! God chose Isaac; Isaac did not choose God.


We all have a hard time accepting the fact that God chooses some to be saved and not others. That’s why Paul is going through this thorough discourse on God’s choosing.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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