Tag: pisteuo

Ephesians 1:19 – Incredible Mighty Power!

and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power

Truth to Learn

God has already demonstrated how valuable we are to Him.


Behind the Words

“Exceeding” is from the Greek verb huperballō, which is made up of huper (hyper), meaning “above” or “beyond” and ballō, meaning “to throw.” Thus huperballō literally means “to throw beyond;” that is, “to go beyond” or “to exceed.”

The word “greatness” is from megethos, which means “magnitude” or, as in this verse, “greatness.”

The word translated “power” is dunamis (from which we get our English word dynamite). This word refers specifically to having the capability or authority to do something. So “power” is a good translation it as it is used here.

“Believe” is from pisteuō, which we saw back in verse thirteen. It means “to be firmly persuaded regarding some truth” or “to believe.”

The word “working” is translated from energeia (from which we get our English word energy). It refers to “active power” or “power in action.”

“Mighty” is from kratos, which refers to “demonstrated power,” that is, “vigor or might.”

Finally, the word “power” is from ischus. This is made up of is, meaning “strength” and echo, meaning “to have.” Thus, ischus refers to someone “having strength.”


Meaning Explained

First of all, notice how many words Paul used in this one verse to express God’s strength and power. Each of these words can have a number of subtle nuances that produce very similar meanings. It is as if Paul is trying to use every word he can think of to describe the exceeding greatness and magnitude of God’s almighty power at work.

One of the difficulties in understanding the Apostle Paul is the fact that he writes such lengthy, complex sentences. This particular sentence takes up seven verses and it contains almost 140 words! He started out this thought in verse fifteen by expressing his thanks for the growing faith and demonstrated love of the Christians in the church in Ephesus. Then he expresses the content of his prayers for these believers and, by extension, for all Christians. He prayed that the Father would have the Holy Spirit impart wisdom and reveal truths to us. The first of these truths is that we might understand the hope and assurance we have in God’s inviting us to have eternal life. The second truth is the magnificence of the inheritance that Jesus will receive from the Father. We, the church, the body of Christ, the bride of Christ, are that marvelous inheritance.

In the current verse Paul tells us about the third truth which he prays will be revealed to us. It is the incredible greatness of God’s active and demonstrated power, which is mighty in strength. The greatest part is that His powerful strength is displayed toward us, we who believe in Jesus Christ.



Listen, God has demonstrated His incredible power for your sake because He loves you and wants to spend eternity with you. Yes, you! You are incredibly valuable to Him!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 1:13 – Seal of Ownership

In Him you also hoped, having heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,

Truth to Learn

God has branded us as His property and His children.


Behind the Words

The word “hoped” does not actually appear here in the Greek text. It is borrowed from the previous verse as a parallel expression.

“Having heard” is from akouō, which refers to hearing in general. It is also used to refer to listening with attention.

The word “truth” is translated from the Greek word alētheia, which refers to that which is truth or reality.

The word “salvation” is translated from soteria, which is derived from the noun soter, meaning “one who rescues or saves.” Thus, soteria refers to “salvation or deliverance from danger or destruction.”

“Having believed” is from the Greek verb pisteuō, meaning “to be firmly persuaded regarding some truth,” or “to believe.”

The word “sealed” is translated from sphragidzō, which means “to stamp or to set a seal or mark upon something as a token of its authenticity or of ownership.”


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul talked about how the Jews had previously had their hope in the Messiah, the Christ, as the one who was to come and redeem them from their bondage. Notice that Paul used the pronoun “we” in the previous verse, since he also was a Jew who had previously had his hope in the Messiah.

In the current verse he uses the pronoun “you” to refer to the readers of his letter. In other words, Paul is now talking about Christians. He is telling us that we also hope in the same Redeemer, the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Also remember that the word hope refers to more than just a fanciful desire; it refers to something that we fully expect to come to pass. Paul tells us that we have this hope because we listened attentively to the gospel message (good news) about salvation. But, Paul says that we did more than just listen attentively to the gospel, we believed it as the word of truth. That’s the thing which makes us Christians. We’re not Christians because we live in a Christian country. We’re not Christians because we belong to a Christian church. We’re not Christians because we obey God’s commandments. We’re Christians because we believe the good news that Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sins.

Like Abraham in Genesis 15:6, the moment we believed the gospel message, God declared us to be as righteous as Christ. But, that’s not the best part of what Paul is telling us now. Once we believed and were declared righteous, we were sealed with the Holy Spirit. This seal is very much like a brand on a head of cattle. It identifies who the owner is. In our case, the seal of the Holy Spirit identifies us as belonging to God; we now belong to Him because He has purchased us with sacrificial blood.



We don’t know how God sealed us with the Holy Spirit, but we do know that He indelibly and undeniably identifies us as His property. Not only do we belong to God, He has adopted us as His children! He’s our God, our owner, and our Father!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

James 2:19 – One God Faith

You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!

Truth to Learn

Faith is necessary for salvation, but what you have faith in is crucial, and the proof of that faith will be your good works.

Behind the Words

The word here translated as “believe” is the Greek word pisteuō. The word translated faith in the previous verse is pistis. They both come from the same root word peithō, which means “to persuade or convince.” Hence, this literally means “you are convinced that …”

The expression “there is one God” in the Greek literally reads “God is one.” This is a fundamental truth of Judaism, Christianity, and the Muslim religion. The fact that there is a single, all-powerful God is foundational to the faith that many people hold, but you must believe more that this to be truly saved from your sins.

“Well” is translated from the Greek adverb kalōs, which refers to “a specific quality of goodness.” There is a different Greek word meaning general goodness, the word agathos. James is saying that specifically believing in one God is a good thing for someone to do.

The Greek word translated “tremble” is phrissō. This word literally means “to bristle,” as when one feels the hairs stand-up on the back of their neck. Hence, it refers to a physical response to a fearful situation and is thus interpreted as “to shudder or shake in fear.”

Meaning Explained

James has been talking about works being the evidence of saving faith. He also wants to show that simply having faith in something (believing in something), even something as noble as the idea of a single, all powerful God, is not enough. There are many Jews and Muslims who believe in a single, all-powerful God. There are even many church goers around the world who believe that God exists. But they do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that, as a man, He died on the cross to pay for their sins.

James is saying that even demons have faith. They believe that there is one supreme God and they tremble in fear because they know that he is a vengeful God, in addition to being a loving God. But, even though these demons believe in the one all-powerful God, they are not saved. They are destined for Hell. Having faith in God is important, even necessary for salvation, but it is not sufficient for one to be saved. One has to also believe that he or she, as a sinner, has been saved by the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross.

James’ thesis in this section of his letter is that faith is good but what you believe in is supremely important. He is also saying that genuine saving faith will always be evidenced by works of love (good works).


Do you have faith? Do you believe there is one supreme God? If so, that is good. Do you believe that you are a sinner and that you deserve eternity in hell? Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay for your sin? I pray that you do!

Now, do your actions demonstrate your faith? James says these good works are the proof of your salvation. Do your words, your attitudes and your actions demonstrate what you believe? Do they demonstrate that you are a Christian, saved by faith?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Corinthians 3:5 – Leader or Servant?

Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave to each one?

Truth to Learn

A pastor leads by being an example of a humble servant.

Behind the Words

The Greek word translated “who” is tis, an interrogative pronoun meaning “who?” The oldest manuscripts, however, have the word ti, meaning “what?” Either one makes sense grammatically, but ti (what) makes more sense in context.

Ministers” is from the Greek noun diakonos. This is the word from which we get our English word “deacon.” It refers to someone who serves, like a waiter serving a meal.

The word translated “through” is dia. In reference to a location, it refers to motion through a place. In reference to time, it refers to a continuance of time. When it is used in regard to a person or his action, it refers to that person and his action as being the instrument through which the objective is achieved.

Pisteuō is the Greek verb translated “believed.” It means “to be firmly persuaded about something,” that is, to believe or have faith in something. It is expressed here in the aorist tense, indicating past action that occurred at a point in time.

Each one” is from the Greek word hekastos (from hekas, meaning “separate”). It refers to “each one” or to “everyone.” In the case of “everyone,” it implies specific application to each one separately, not to the group as a whole.

Meaning Explained

Today’s verse serves as a transition from Paul’s teaching regarding divisions in the church to teaching about serving God for the purpose of building up the church. As we previously pointed out, Paul is using himself and Apollos as the two specific people that might be seen as leaders of the church in Corinth because they are the two who have done most of the pastoring in that church. Later in this letter we will learn that Paul is about to send Timothy to take over the ministry there.

Before sending him, however, Paul needs to ensure that the members of the Corinthian church recognize that whoever serves in the capacity of pastor or teacher is not doing so as a “leader” but as a “servant.” It is true that the pastor of any local church has some leadership responsibilities. However, it is not his job to become a ruler or even a figurehead for the church.

Paul tells the Corinthians (and us) that the person who oversees the operation of a local church and who provides regular teaching from God’s Word is not a political or religious leader. This man is simply a servant, a conduit of blessing through whom God speaks to the members of the local assembly. He also tells us that these “ministers” serve in the church in accordance with the gifts that each one was given. In other words, it is God who gave Paul the ability to simply and plainly lay out the plan of salvation, it is God who gave Apollos the ability to speak eloquently, and it is God who gives salvation to everyone who believes. By declaring strong allegiance to one man over another, the Christians in Corinth were, in effect, giving individual men credit for what God and God alone has done and is doing.


The position of church pastor is one of the most difficult and thankless jobs a man could have. He is to lead the people without being their leader. He is to be a conduit of God’s blessing and an example to all of how a servant is to behave.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved


2 Thessalonians 2:12 – Truth Rejected

that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Truth to Learn

Judgment is coming! We need to spread the good news now.

Behind the Words

The words “they … may be condemned” are translated from the Greek verb krinō, which means “to separate,” “to decide between good and evil,” or “to judge.” It is expressed here in the subjunctive mood indicating possibility or probability.

Did not believe” is from the verb pisteuō, meaning “to believe” or “to have faith.” It is expressed here as an aorist participle, so it could be translated as “having not believed.”

Alētheia is the word translated “truth.” It is composed of the privative a, meaning “not” and a form of lanthanō, meaning “to be hidden.” Thus, alētheia refers to that which is not hidden, that which is obviously apparent, or that which is true.

Had pleasure” is from the verb eudokeō, which is made up of eu, meaning “good” or “well” and dokeō, meaning “to think.” Hence, eudokeō means “to think well of” or “to be pleased with.” It is expressed here as an aorist participle, so it could be translated as “having had pleasure.”

The word “unrighteousness” is from adikia, which is made up of a, meaning “not” or “without” and a form of dikē, meaning “that which is right or just.” Thus, adikia refers to “that which is not right” or “that which is not just.”

Meaning Explained

The Apostle Paul has been talking about the events that will precede the coming of the Day of the Lord, when God will pour out His wrath on the inhabitants of the earth. The two specific events mentioned are the apostasia and the revealing of the “lawless one,” the person we commonly refer to as the antichrist. His appearance on the scene will be accompanied by miraculous signs and wonders that will convince the “earth dwellers” that he is a god.

In the previous verse, Paul told us that the unbelievers on the earth at that time will be fooled into believing in the deity of the antichrist because God will send a powerful deception. In other words, God will allow the antichrist and his false prophet to perform these signs and miracles, and He will cause the “earth dwellers” to believe in these miraculous events and to accept the antichrist as a god.

Now Paul tells us a little more about those who will be deceived by the antichrist. First of all, they are unbelievers. That is, they will not believe in the truth of God as written in the Bible. Even today, many people believe that the Bible is just a collection of fables and restrictive rules. The other thing we are told about these unbelievers is that they will think that unrighteousness is good. They will have completely thrown off the mantle of God’s influence in their lives.

As a result, these earth dwellers will be judged by God. This judgment will come in two forms. The first is all the terrible judgments that God will execute on the earth in the seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments described in the book of Revelation. But, worse than that, they will be cast into the lake of fire for all eternity at the end of their earthly lives.


Some of us may find it difficult to witness the gospel message to those around us, but we need to redouble our efforts. A day is coming soon when this truth will be completely rejected.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved


1 Thessalonians 4:14 – Returning With Him

For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.

Truth to Learn

Christians who have died will come with Jesus at the rapture.

Behind the Words

There are three classes of conditional clauses (if statements) contained in New Testament Greek based on their grammatical construction. The clause that begins today’s verse is a first-class conditional statement; it assumes that the “if statement” is true. Therefore, in some cases we can substitute the word “since” for “if,” and we could start this verse off with “For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again  …”

Believe” is translated from the Greek verb pisteuō, meaning “to believe in,” “to have faith in,” or “to trust in.” It is expressed as a present tense, active voice, indicative mood verb, indicating present continuous action.

The verb “died” is from apothnēskō, which is made up of apo, meaning “from,” used as an intensifier and thnēskō, meaning “to die.” Thus, it literally means “to die off.”

Rose again” is from the Greek verb anistēmi, composed of ana, meaning “up” and histēmi, which means “to stand.” Hence, it literally means “to stand up” or “to rise up.”

Meaning Explained

Beginning in the previous verse, Paul is teaching the Thessalonians (and us) about end-time events. This particular event is what we commonly refer to as “the rapture.” We will talk more about this word in verse seventeen. The first thing to learn from today’s verse is who is involved in this event. We are told here that it involves those who “believe that Jesus died and rose up.” In other words, this event involves born-again Christians. As we noted in Behind the Words, the word “believe” indicates current, continuous belief, that is, a belief that was not simply a one-time event, but something that has become an integral part of a person’s life.

One of my biggest concerns is that when the rapture takes place, many church members won’t notice, because the church will still be filled with “members.” I fear too many so-called Christians have said the “sinner’s prayer” without ever really believing to the point of a total commitment to Jesus. They may have knowledge of salvation but not truly be saved.

The other thing we learn here is that Christians who “sleep in Jesus,” those who have died physically, will return with Him. Since this event involves our Lord coming from the heavenly realms to the earth’s atmosphere (see 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17), those who “sleep in Jesus” will also be coming from the heavenly realms, from Paradise. In Luke 23:43 our Lord told the thief that on that very day he would be with Jesus in Paradise. From Matthew 12:40 we know that Jesus went into the “heart of the earth” when He died. But from 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 we know that Paradise is now up with the third heaven. In other words, Paradise has been moved! Perhaps, that’s what Paul is talking about in Ephesians 4:8.


The fact that you are following these daily Bible studies probably indicates that you are genuinely saved. I wonder how many people will miss the rapture, however, because they simply see salvation as a free ticket into heaven rather than a life-changing commitment. That’s something to think about!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessaloninas 2:4 – Be a God Pleaser

But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts.

Truth to Learn

Proclaim the simple truth and seek God’s approval alone.

Behind the Words

Approved” is translated from the Greek word dokimadzō, which means “to test something to determine its value.” It is not a testing to find flaws or fault, but a testing to determine worth. It is expressed here in the perfect tense indicating past completed action with an ongoing effect. Hence, Paul is saying “we have been tested and found worthy; therefore, we now have God’s approval.”

The word translated “entrusted” is pisteuō, which means “to believe, to have faith in, or to trust.” It is expressed here in the passive voice (action done to the subject). Thus, it means “to be believed in” or “to be entrusted.”

Pleasing” is from the Greek verb areskō which means “to be content with, or to be pleased with.” In the New Testament this word has evolved in emphasis from the end result (others being pleased with us) to the active pursuit (working to please others). Thus, instead of expressing a relationship, it expresses a behavior as an attempt to influence a relationship.

Meaning Explained

In yesterday’s verse we noted that from verse three on, Paul is talking about the pastoral/teaching phase of his ministry among the Thessalonians. Previously, he had been talking about his evangelistic ministry there. And, as was pointed out in verse one of this chapter, it appears that Paul is now defending himself against some accusations that have been made. In yesterday’s verse it appears that he was defending himself against a claim that he was teaching false doctrine or that he was using deceptive means to convince his listeners to accept the truth he was proclaiming. These claims possibly came from those Jews who first heard his messages regarding Jesus but did not believe (Acts 17:2-5).

In preaching the gospel message and teaching the truths of God’s word, we are handling messages of extreme importance and of inestimable worth. How we deliver these messages indicates how much respect we have for them. When we declare these messages, we are not trying to endear ourselves to others; we are not trying to win others over to “our side.” We are proclaiming truths that God has given to us, and we are relying on the Spirit of God to carry these truths and to open up the hearts of men to receive them. Our job is not to make converts nor is it to convince people with fancy words or clever communication techniques. Our job is simply to proclaim the truth and to let God take care of the rest. Paul was not trying to make his listeners like him; he was trying to please God who called him to his ministry.

The great preacher Dwight Moody is said to have been approached by a man who said, “I saw one of your converts in a bar getting drunk last night” to which Moody is said to have replied, “Yes it may have been one of my converts. If he was one of God’s converts he wouldn’t have been there.”


Whatever your spiritual gifts and whatever ministry God has placed you in, don’t seek the approval of men. Instead, seek God’s approval by being diligent and faithful to Him.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 1:19 – Incredible Mighty Power!

Ephesians 1:19  – Incredible Mighty Power!

and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power

Truth to Learn

God has already demonstrated how valuable we are to Him.

Behind the Words

Exceeding” is from the Greek verb huperballō, which is made up of huper (hyper), meaning “above” or “beyond” and ballō, meaning “to throw.” Thus huperballō literally means “to throw beyond;” that is, “to go beyond” or “to exceed.”

The word “greatness” is from megethos, which means “magnitude” or, as in this verse, “greatness.”

The word translated “power” is dunamis (from which we get our English word dynamite). This word refers specifically to having the capability or authority to do something. So “power” is a good translation it as it is used here.

Believe” is from pisteuō, which we saw back in verse thirteen. It means “to be firmly persuaded regarding some truth” or “to believe.”

The word “working” is translated from energeia (from which we get our English word energy). It refers to “active power” or “power in action.”

Mighty” is from kratos, which refers to “demonstrated power,” that is, “vigor or might.”

Finally, the word “power” is from ischus. This is made up of is, meaning “strength” and echo, meaning “to have.” Thus, ischus refers to someone “having strength.”

Meaning Explained

First of all, notice how many words Paul used in this one verse to express God’s strength and power. Each of these words can have a number of subtle nuances that produce very similar meanings. It is as if Paul is trying to use every word he can think of to describe the exceeding greatness and magnitude of God’s almighty power at work.

One of the difficulties in understanding the Apostle Paul is the fact that he writes such lengthy, complex sentences. This particular sentence takes up seven verses and it contains almost 140 words! He started out this thought in verse fifteen by expressing his thanks for the growing faith and demonstrated love of the Christians in the church in Ephesus. Then he expresses the content of his prayers for these believers and, by extension, for all Christians. He prayed that the Father would have the Holy Spirit impart wisdom and reveal truths to us. The first of these truths is that we might understand the hope and assurance we have in God’s inviting us to have eternal life. The second truth is the magnificence of the inheritance that Jesus will receive from the Father. We, the church, the body of Christ, the bride of Christ, are that marvelous inheritance.

In the current verse Paul tells us about the third truth which he prays will be revealed to us. It is the incredible greatness of God’s active and demonstrated power, which is mighty in strength. The greatest part is that His powerful strength is displayed toward us, we who believe in Jesus Christ.


Listen, God has demonstrated His incredible power for your sake because He loves you and wants to spend eternity with you. Yes, you! You are incredibly valuable to Him!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Ephesians 1:13 – Seal of Approval

Ephesians 1:13  – Seal of Approval

In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,

Truth to Learn

God has branded us as His property and His children.

Behind the Words

The word “trusted” does not actually appear here in the Greek text. It is borrowed from the previous verse as a parallel expression.

Heard” is from akouō, which refers to hearing in general. It is also used to refer to listening with attention. It is expressed as a participle, so it could be expressed as “having heard.

The word “truth” is translated from the Greek word alētheia, which refers to that which is truth or reality.

The word “salvation” is translated from soteria, which is derived from the noun soter, meaning “one who rescues or saves.” Thus, soteria refers to “deliverance from danger or destruction.”

Having believed” is from the Greek verb pisteuō, meaning “to be firmly persuaded regarding some truth” or “to believe.”

The word “sealed” is translated from sphragidzō, which means “to stamp or to set a seal or mark upon something as a token of its authenticity or of ownership.”

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul talked about how the Jews had previously had their hope in the Messiah, the Christ, as the one who was to come and redeem them from their bondage. Notice that Paul used the pronoun “we” in the previous verse, since he also was a Jew who had previously had his hope in the Messiah.

In the current verse he uses the pronoun “you” to refer to the readers of his letter. In other words, Paul is now talking about Christians. He is telling us that we also hope in the same Redeemer, the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Also remember that the word hope refers to more than just a fanciful desire; it refers to something that we fully expect to come to pass. Paul tells us that we have this hope because we listened attentively to the gospel (good news) about salvation. But, Paul says that we did more than just listen attentively to the gospel, we believed it as the word of truth. That’s the thing which makes us Christians. We’re not Christians because we live in a Christian country. We’re not Christians because we belong to a Christian church. We’re not Christians because we obey God’s commandments. We’re Christians because we believed the good news that Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sins.

Like Abraham in Genesis 15:6, the moment we believed the gospel message, God declared us to be as righteous as Christ. But, that’s not the best part of what Paul is telling us now. Once we believed and were declared righteous, we were sealed with the Holy Spirit. This seal is very much like a brand on a head of cattle. It identifies who the owner is. In our case, the seal of the Holy Spirit identifies us as belonging to God; we now belong to Him because He has purchased us.


We don’t know how God sealed us with the Holy Spirit, but we do know that He indelibly and undeniably identifies us as His property. Not only do we belong to God, He has adopted us as His children! He’s our God, our owner, and our Father!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 14:2 – Food or Faith?

Romans 14:2 – Food or Faith?

For one believes he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats only vegetables.

Truth to Learn

Arguing about unimportant things is destructive, not edifying.

Behind the Words

The word “believes” is translated from the verb pisteuō, meaning “to trust, to have faith in, or to believe.”

Eat” in the first part of this verse is from the Greek verb phagō. Later in the verse the word “eats” appears, which is from the Greek verb esthiō. These two form an interesting word pair. Though they are different words, they both mean “to eat,” literally or figuratively. The selection of which one to use depends strictly on the tense of the verb used. Esthiō is used in the aorist or future tenses, and phagō is used in all other tenses.

Weak” is from astheneō, which we looked at in the previous verse. The use of the word in this verse identifies specifically who Paul was talking about in the previous verse. Here he uses the word to refer to those who are weak in faith, those who are spiritually immature, not those who are physically weak.

The word translated “vegetables” is lachanon, which is derived from the verb lachainō, meaning “to dig.” Thus, we see that lachanon literally refers to that which has been dug up. Since it is in reference to something eaten, it logically refers to vegetables as opposed to meat.

Meaning Explained

As we said in the previous verse, Paul is addressing the issue of many of the converted Jews in the Christian church in Rome who are still following the eating restrictions as laid down in the Mosaic Law. Some of them believed that Christians were required to follow all of the commandments based on the origin of the Christian faith coming out of the Jewish belief in the Messiah. Others, like Paul, recognized the fact that Christians have been set free from the Law and that we are at liberty to eat all kinds of food without any legal restrictions.

As we combine these two verses, we see that Paul is exhorting the members of the Christian Church at Rome to admit anyone to membership who makes a confession of faith, but not to get into arguments with them about what food is permissible and what isn’t. The point he makes in the current verse is that the more mature Christian recognizes that all foods are permissible, but those who are weak in the faith still think they have to refrain from certain foods.

Let’s not get hung-up, however, on the specific subject matter (what kinds of food can be eaten). Paul is using food as a metonym for any secondary belief within the church that is not foundational doctrine. As we said in the previous verse, understanding and adhering to doctrinal fundamentals of the Christian faith are of critical importance and need to be fully studied and taught. Arguing about other aspects of the Christian faith is a waste of time and effort. Belief in who Jesus is (completely God and completely man at the same time), the offering of His sinless life to pay the penalty for our sins, His resurrection from the dead, our own need to admit our sinful, lost state, and our confession of Christ as our Savior and Lord, these are truths that we must all believe to become Christians.


Arguing about issues of lesser importance in the church doesn’t please God. We need to focus more effort on loving one another and less effort on arguing about unimportant things.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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