Tag: evil

Ephesians 5:16 – Time and Eternity

redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Truth to Learn

You only have one life. Live it with eternity in view.

Behind the Words

The word “redeeming” is translated from the Greek word exagoradzō, which is made up of ex, meaning “out of” and agoradzō meaning “to buy” (the marketplace of the first century was called the agora). Hence, exagoradzō, literally means “to buy and take out of the marketplace.” Figuratively it refers to “rescuing something from loss.” This is the sense in which Paul uses it in today’s verse.

Time” is from kairos, for which there really is no English equivalent. A different Greek word, chronos, refers to a space of time, that is, a succession of minutes. Kairos, on the other hand, can refer to “an occasion or opportunity,” or it can refer to an indefinite period of time, “a season.” As used here, it probably refers to “the lifetime that we are currently living.”

Evil” is translated from ponēros, which is derived from ponos, referring to “sorrow, pain, or hard labor.” Ponēros properly refers to the influence or the effect of that which is bad. A different Greek word, kakos, refers to “that which is inherently bad.”

Meaning Explained

In order to fully understand today’s verse, we have to combine it with yesterday’s:

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Yesterday we learned the word “circumspectly” probably should have been translated as “carefully.” And, though we didn’t touch on it yesterday, the word “fools” is really “unwise ones.” So, we are to keep an eye on our own behavior, being careful to live in God’s light, loving those around us and behaving as God would have us behave.

Throughout his writings, Paul gives us a lot of things that we shouldn’t do and even more things that we should do. Some Christians will grasp hold of one or two things he says and cling to those ideas almost to the exclusion of all the others. The result is often a “splinter denomination” that doesn’t further the cause of Christ. Other Christians are so ignorant of what the New Testament teaches that they are easily swayed by beautiful sounding sermons that are not based on Biblical truth. Paul says we should not live like such unwise people, but as wise Christians, those who know God’s truths and who have learned how to properly apply what they have learned.

Why is it so important for us to live our Christian lives carefully and with wisdom? Because we live in an evil time! The influence of the world system under Satan’s leadership is not godly, it is evil. Without the light of Christ, this world will not get better, it will only get worse. So, rescue every minute you have in this life. Don’t let your life slip away filled with evil actions or indifference. Use every minute you have to live the kind of life that glorifies God.


Our life on this earth is short. We can live it focusing on self and appear before the Judgment seat of Christ empty handed. Or – we can totally give ourselves over to God, so that He will receive all the glory. If we do the latter, we will receive crowns that we can cast at His feet with gratitude.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

Romans 14:20 – Construction, Not Demolition

Romans 14:20 – Construction, Not Demolition

Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All things indeed are pure, but it is evil for the man who eats with offense.

Truth to Learn

We are supposed to build-up the church, not tear it down.

Behind the Words

The word “destroy” is translated from the Greek verb kataluō. This word is made up of kata, meaning “down” and luō, which means “to let loose” or “to release.” Hence, we see that kataluō literally means “to loose down” or “to tear down.” It is expressed here in the imperative mood indicating a command and it is expressed in the present tense. We could paraphrase the opening phrase of this verse as, “Do not right now be destroying the work of God for the sake of food!”

Evil” is translated from the Greek word kakos, which literally means “evil” or “worthless.”

Offense” is from proskomma, which, as we learned a few verses back, figuratively refers to “something that someone stubs their toe on or trips over.”

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we learned that we are to edify, or build up, one another. Paul has previously used the metaphor of a building with reference to the church. In the previous verse when he said that we need to pursue those things which edify one another, he was referring to us building up the church, the body of Christ (with gold, silver, and precious stone).

Paul now says that we shouldn’t tear down the work of God for the sake of food. When we compare “building up” from the previous verse with “tear down” in the current verse, we see that in each case Paul is talking about the temple of God. No, not a physical building, but the body of Christ. In speaking to the Church in Corinth, Paul said:

Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? (1Corinthians 3:16)

The words “you are” are expressed in the second person plural in the Greek text. So Paul is saying, “Don’t you know that you (plural) are the temple (singular) of God?” In other words, the Church, the body of Christ, is the temple of God. It is this temple that we are to build up, not tear down.

We should pursue those things which build up God’s temple (the body of Christ), but our insistence on sticking to our stance regarding food (or days of the week) will actually tear down the church which is God’s work. Clearly, that’s not something for which crowns are going to be given at the bema seat, is it?

In fact, I think that’s the point Paul is making in the second half of this verse. He says that “All things indeed are pure, but it is evil (or worthless) for the man who eats with offense.” He has just told us to build up the church not to tear it down, and now he says that if by eating (or doing anything else which our conscience allows) we cause a brother or sister to stumble, we are destroying the temple of God, and it is a worthless work (like wood, hay or straw).


When we stand before the judgment seat of Christ we all want to receive rewards for having built up the body of Christ with valuable works, but our selfish stubbornness can result in tearing down the temple instead of building it up. Are you in the construction business or the demolition business?

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 12:21 – Good Versus Evil

Romans 12:21 – Good Versus Evil

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Truth to Learn

The proper way for a Christian to combat evil is with good.

Behind the Words

The word translated “overcome” is nikaō, a verb form of the noun nikē, which refers to “a conquest or victory.” Hence, nikaō means “to subdue, conquer, or overcome.” In both instances in this verse it is expressed in the imperative mood indicating something all Christians are to do.

Evil” is from the Greek word kakos, which refers to that which is worthless in and of itself. Thus, it is often translated as depraved, wicked, or evil. It is expressed here with the definite article, so it literally refers to “the evil thing” or “the evil one.”

The word “good” is translated from agathos, meaning “profitable or beneficial.” It refers to general goodness whereas the Greek word kalos, which we looked at in verse seventeen, refers to something that is inherently good but not necessarily benefitting others.

Meaning Explained

Paul started off this chapter by stating:

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. (Romans 12:1)

Throughout the remainder of this chapter, he has been showing us what it looks like when a person is a living sacrifice, totally submitted to God; for instance, someone who has presented his or her body as a living sacrifice to God will not repay evil for evil and will not avenge himself or herself.

In the past few verses Paul has not been giving us commandments so much as he has been showing us what the evidence of our submission as a living sacrifice looks like. And so, he wraps up this chapter with a final piece of evidence of a person who is totally submitted and committed to God. This person does not allow himself to be overcome with evil; instead, he overcomes evil with good. A literal translation of this verse could be:

Do not be conquered under the evil one, but conquer the evil one with goodness.

Some would say that “the evil one” refers to Satan, for he is sometimes referred to in that manner. In this case, however, I believe Paul is referring to anyone who does evil to you. If the result of an evil act on you causes you to do evil in return, then you have succumbed to the temptation of retaliation and you have demonstrated that you are not fully submitted to God. But, if evil is done to you and there is within you the ability to plan and carry out goodness toward the one doing evil, then you are showing that you are still lying on the alter, a living sacrifice to God, and He will use you when you live that way.


It’s not easy to remain on the altar because we each have a sin nature that wants us to be in control and wants to get even with those who hurt us. However, by the power of the Holy Spirit we can remain submitted to our Lord and we can respond to the evil done to us with goodness. That’s sacrificial living. It’s pleasing to God because it allows Him to receive all the glory and all the praise.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 12:17 – Reactive or Proactive?

Romans 12:17 – Reactive or Proactive?

Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men.

Truth to Learn

We should be benevolently proactive, not selfishly reactive.

Behind the Words

The word translated “repay” is apodidomi, which is a compound word made up of apo, meaning “from” or “away from” and didōmi, meaning “to give.” Hence apodidōmi means “to give away” of “to deliver up.” In the current context it can certainly be interpreted as “repay,” although it does not imply repayment of something owed.

Evil” is from the Greek word kakos, referring to “that which is worthless in and of itself.” It does not refer to a bad effect (that would be the word ponēros) but to an intrinsic worthlessness. Thus, kakos usually refers to an evil thing or an evil action.

The words “Have regard” are translated from pronoeō. This is made up of pro, meaning “before, in place or time” and noeō, which refers to “action of the mind (to think, perceive, or consider).” Thus, we see that pronoeō means “to consider in advance, to plan ahead, or to premeditate.”

Good” is from kalos, which refers to “that which is good in quality or character.” It is often translated as “beautiful.”

Meaning Explained

In this verse Paul contrasts two thoughts. Do you see what they are? He says,

Don’t be reactive and respond with evil acts when evil acts are done to you. Instead, be proactive and consider ahead of time what good things you are going to do for others.

When someone does something to us that is unkind, offensive, hurtful, or just downright mean, our first reaction is to respond in kind and “get even.” I’m sure we’ve all heard the expression, “I don’t get mad – I get even.” That’s precisely what Paul is telling us not to do. Don’t allow your sin nature to control your actions. That’s the result of our “flesh” which Paul was talking about back in chapter 8 when he said:

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God. (Romans 8:5-8)

We should not behave like the unsaved do. They are slaves to their flesh and have no choice but to obey it because they are spiritually dead. But we have been set free from the bondage of our flesh and are now spiritually alive. We have a choice and that choice should always be to do good, not evil.


Do you want to please God? If so, then you need to let His Spirit control your thoughts and actions, not your own flesh. Your choices are to please yourself or to please God. Which will it be?

“Ouch! That makes my own toes hurt!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 12:9 – Sacrificial Evidence

Romans 12:9 – Sacrificial Evidence

Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.

Truth to Learn

Here is the evidence of a living sacrifice.

Behind the Words

The word translated “without hypocrisy” is the Greek word anupokritos, which is a compound word made up of a, meaning “without” and a form of hupokrinomai (from which we get our English word, hypocrite), meaning “to pretend” or “to put on a false front.” This word originally referred to the art of acting on a stage. An actor portrays someone other than who he or she truly is and that is the salient meaning of the word hypocrite.

The Greek word translated “abhor” is apostugeō. This is another compound word made up of apo, meaning “from” but often used as an intensifier, and stugeō, which means “to hate, abhor, or detest with horror.” It expresses an extremely strong hatred for something.

Evil” is from ponēros, which refers to “that which is bad or evil in effect or influence.” There is a similar Greek word, kakos, which refers to “that which is bad or evil in character.”

Cling” is from kollaō, meaning “to be glued to something.” And the word translated “good” is agathos, meaning “that which is good or beneficial.”

Meaning Explained

Paul started out this chapter telling us that we need to completely surrender ourselves to God as living sacrifices to be used in His service as He chooses. He then told us that we should have a humble opinion of ourselves because we are all members of the body of Christ (the church) and that we each have gifts which we are to be using as members of that body. Having talked about some of the gifts, he now goes on to tell us what a living sacrifice should look like to others.

He says, “Let love be without hypocrisy.” Our love should be sincere and not done as an act to try to convince people that we are different than we really are.

Paul also says that we should “abhor what is evil.” In other words, we should hate that which has an evil effect or that which produces evil with as much emotion and force as that with which we love God.

This is a verse that all Christians would do well to follow. It seems that we have become soft and we tend to tolerate evil without saying much about it. When we see someone do something evil, we should not turn around and forget about it, we should be filled with indignation and absolutely hate the evil act. Incidentally, even though we should hate the sin, we need to love the sinner.

Finally, Paul says that we should be “glued to that which is good.”  When two things are glued together, they are inseparable. That’s how we should be – inseparable from things which are good.


These are three key characteristics of Christians who are committed to God, who have placed themselves on the altar as living sacrifices. Their love is genuine, they absolutely hate that which is evil, and they are good through and through.

Is that how others see you?

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 7:21 – The “Badness” Law

Romans 7:21

I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good.

Truth to Learn

There is a “law of sin” that can control our actions.

Behind the Words

The word translated “a law” is the Greek word nomos, which means “something that has been parceled out.” In the Greek text there is a definite article before this word, so literally it says “the law.”

The word translated “evil” is the Greek word kakos, which means, “something that is bad or worthless.” It is not the word usually translated “evil.” That word is poneros, which means “malicious or indicating willful harm to others.” So, although it is not really a word, I guess we could translate kakos in this verse as “badness” to distinguish it from evil.

Is present” is a translation of the Greek word parakeimai, which means “it lies near” or “it is nearby.” It is expressed here in the present tense, active voice, indicative mood which implies present continuous action, not a past event or a onetime event.

Meaning Explained

One confusing part about the current verse is Paul’s reference to “a law.” There has been considerable debate about what he means by this expression. The usual sense of “a law” is something to which we are subject, something that is imposed by a superior, something that binds, controls, or influences us. There are many things we call laws that really aren’t laws; rather they are things that we have learned by observation. We refer, for instance, to such things as the laws of physics, the law of gravity, or the scientific laws of thermodynamics. These are not really laws in the sense that some legislative or ruling body has declared them so and which has assigned officials to enforce these laws (unless, of course, you consider them as having been imposed by God Himself).

The law that Paul is talking about in today’s verse is just such a law. He is saying that he finds an unwritten law which seems to say that badness is constantly present, close at hand, ready to take over whenever he desires to do right. And, once again, we see the word “wills” which is from thelō, indicating not just a wish or a desire to do good, but a determination to do good.

Although we have said it before, this is an apt description of our sin nature, or our tendency to sin. Whenever we want to do the right thing, when we are determined to be obedient to God and to do His will, our sin nature is ever present and ready to lead us into doing the wrong thing instead.

In just a few verses Paul will refer to this sin nature, to this law that makes badness ever present when we’re determined to do good, as the law of sin.

If I were allowed to vote on this law, I would vote that we repeal it and make life a lot easier on all of us!


Lord, help us to see this battle that is going on within us. Help us to recognize that even though we are saved through the blood of Christ and we are determined to obey You and do Your will, our sin nature keeps dragging us away from You. Lord, give us strength to resist our sin nature and give us the desire to submit ourselves completely to You. Amen!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 7:19 – Surrender to Him

Romans 7:19

For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice.

Truth to Learn

Overcoming our enemy, our sin nature, is not ours to do.

Behind the Words

Back in verse sixteen we looked at the word “will.” There are two Greek words that are translated “will” or “wish:” thelō and boulomai. The difference is that thelō implies an active impulse whereas boulomai implies a passive acquiescence. Therefore, boulomai implies simply a wish or a desire whereas thelō implies a preference, a choosing, or a determination. To understand the difference, imagine that you give a child a dollar and let them go into a candy store to buy anything he or she wants. The child’s desire is to buy everything (desirous will) but the child determines to buy something specific for a dollar (determined will). The word in the current verse translated “will” is thelō, determined will.

Good” is from agathos, which refers to goodness in general. It is sometimes translated as benevolent, profitable, useful, or excellent.

Evil” is from kakos, which refers to something that is worthless or wicked. It is believed to be derived from the verb chazō, meaning “to retreat.” It is a picture of a worthless soldier who, instead of standing up against the enemy, retreats.

Meaning Explained

At first glance this verse seems to say the same thing as verse fifteen did. But on closer inspection we can see that there is a slight difference between these verses. Verse fifteen says:

For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.

In this earlier verse (Romans 7:15) Paul is contrasting what he is determined to do versus what he hates. In the current verse (Romans 7:19) he is contrasting what he is determined to do versus evil. Paul is saying that his determined will is to do good but he doesn’t do it. His determined will is also not to do evil, but that’s exactly what he does do. This is another indication that Paul is truly saved. Only someone whose heart has been regenerated will truly desire to do good and truly desire not to do evil. Unfortunately for Paul, and for the rest of us as well, the sin nature that dwells in this flesh of ours continues to overpower us even against our desire.

The significant thing to take away from this verse is the fact that it is not the will of man that draws him away from God. Few people, if any, actually want to be evil, but none of us, left to our own devices, will avoid evil because of the powerful sin nature that has mastery over us.

Once again let me say that the only way to have victory over this sin nature is first to be genuinely saved and then to submit our will to God and obey Him as our master instead of our sin nature. As we submit to Him and commit to His ways, we have victory and peace!


It is far easier for us to do that which is evil than to stand and fight for that which is good. And, it is easier to stand and fight against evil in the face of incredible odds, than it is for us to stand against our sin nature. That’s why we need the power of the Holy Spirit. Only a committed Christian surrendered to the will of God can succeed in overcoming his or her sin nature.

And, who gets the praise when we submit to God’s will?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 3:8 – Misrepresented Truth

Romans 3:8

And why not say, “Let us do evil that good may come”?—as we are slanderously reported and as some affirm that we say. Their condemnation is just.

Truth to Learn

All sin will be judged, no matter what our excuse may be.

Behind the Words

The phrase “Let us do” is translated from the verb poieō, meaning “to make” or “to do.” If you have followed our teaching on the use of the word “let,” you might assume that this verb is written in the imperative mood (a command), but it isn’t. It is expressed in the subjunctive mood, which indicates possibility or probability. So the quote might be translated as “We should do evil that good may come.”

Slanderously reported” is from the Greek verb blasphēmeō, meaning “to speak evil of” or “to intentionally damage someone else’s reputation.” When used against God, this verb is often translated “blaspheme.”

The word translated “affirm” is the Greek verb phēmi. It is based on the obsolete verb phaō, meaning “to shine.” Phēmi means “to bring to light by speech” or “to make known one’s thoughts.”

Meaning Explained

In the previous verses Paul has taught that God is not glorified when someone commits sin; God is glorified when He judges sin. It is His act of judgment, in keeping with who He is, that brings Him glory. But the Jesuits of the first century, among others, had perverted Paul’s teaching on this subject claiming that Paul and the other Apostles were teaching that we all ought to sin greatly so that God would be greatly glorified. After all, as Paul surely had stated before and will later proclaim in this epistle:

But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more. (Romans 5:20)

Paul taught that God, in the salvation of people, would be glorified in proportion to the depth and pollution of the guilt which was forgiven. This is true, but how easy it is to misrepresent this as teaching that people ought to sin in order to promote God’s glory! You see, instead of stating it as an inference, which they drew from the doctrine, those who attacked Paul’s teaching declared that Paul taught we ought to sin to bring glory to God. He counters that argument right here by openly exposing the falsehood of what others say about his doctrine. At the same time, he openly declares that those who attack him will receive condemnation. He is also convinced that the condemnation that these false accusers will receive is appropriate because they perverted the truth of God for their own purposes.


We are all sinners, so when our lives are compared to the perfect life that Christ lived we will all be found guilty as sinners and it will be shown that our righteousness is like filthy rags. For the past few verses Paul’s teaching has been “God will judge every sin of every man.” Those sins will either be judged at the cross and declared as fully paid for (everyone who believes and accepts this sacrificial gift) or the sins will be judged and the sinners declared guilty at the Great White Throne, where the payment for sins will be eternity in the lake of fire.

Where will your sins be judged?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 2:9 – Payment for Worthless Deeds

Romans 2:9

tribulation and anguish, on every soul of man who does evil, of the Jew first and also of the Greek;

Truth to Learn

Tribulation and anguish are coming to those who reject God.

Behind the Words

The words “tribulation and anguish” are interesting in that, for three of the four times they are mentioned in the Bible they are mentioned together. The word “tribulation” is from the Greek word thlipsis, which literally means “pressure.” However, by application it means “that malevolent external force that is applied to a man.” In other words, those bad things that happen to us that cause us extreme stress.

Anguish” is translated from stenochōria, which literally means “a narrow place,” but symbolically it means “great distress.” Though tribulation and anguish may seem to be the same, thlipsis is the external force and stenochōria is the resultant internalization of the stress.

The word, “does” is from the Greek katergodzomai, which means “to continually carry out a task until it is complete.”

Evil” is from kakos, which means “bad” or “worthless.” It refers to those deeds which God considers of no value.

Meaning Explained

Paul has just told us that those who have been declared righteous and who are seeking God’s glory and honor will receive eternal life. Meanwhile, those who reject the truth of Christ, those who are more concerned with self than doing what is right, will receive the anger and wrath of God. He now reiterates these points, as if to make a clear statement that there is a distinct difference between what will happen to the unrighteous and what will happen to the righteous.

Tribulation and anguish, according to Paul, are what comes to him who, “does evil” during his life here on earth. The implication is that the worthless actions of the unrighteous were not just occasional during their lives; rather the selfish acts of unrighteousness were continual until their lives were ended. It may seem harshly judgmental to think of the unsaved as never doing anything good. However, from God’s perspective “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” That is to say, the deeds of the unsaved are worthless.

Paul now makes a very clear point to the Roman Christians, who were mostly converted Jews. They had a tendency to be proud of their Jewish heritage and of their faith. He tells them that this condemnation will come on (the unsaved) Jews and Gentiles alike. In fact the judgment will come on the Jews first (or primarily) then on the Gentiles as well. This is a strong condemnation regarding their pride, which is not a godly trait.


We Christians need to be very careful that we don’t get prideful in our salvation. After all, we’re not saved because of anything that we did. Our salvation is because of what God has done for us and to us. After all, without His gift of grace, none of us would be saved. When we become prideful in our salvation we are taking the credit away from Him, and it is credit that only He deserves!

Let’s humble ourselves and praise Him for what He has done!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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