Tag: flesh

1 Corinthians 1:29 – God Deserves the Glory

that no flesh should glory in His presence.

Truth to Learn

God deserves the praise for who we are and what we have.

Behind the Words

That” is translated from the Greek word hopōs, which is an adverb of manner. The basic meaning of this word is, “in what manner, how, or so that.”

The Greek word translated “flesh” is sarx. This word specifically refers to the “flesh of a living being,” as opposed to the word kreas, which refers to “the flesh of a dead animal” or “meat.” Metaphorically, sarx refers to the physical being of a man as opposed to the immaterial soul or spirit.

Kauchaomai is the verb translated “glory.” Some sources claim that it is derived from auchen, meaning “the neck,” which some self-righteous people hold in a proud manner. Kauchaomai means “to boast, brag, or have pride.” In the New Testament, it is used both in a good sense and in a bad sense.

The words “in … presence” are from enōpion. It is made up of en, meaning “in” and a form of ōps, which refers to “the eyes.” Whereas this word literally means “in the eyes of,” it is most often translated as “in the presence of.”

Meaning Explained

In this first chapter of his letter to the Christians in Corinth, Paul is specifically addressing the problem of divisions within the church, which he first introduced in verse ten:

Now I plead with you, brethren … that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together …

The divisions within the church were caused by people claiming to follow certain gifted and respected leaders within the church. The Corinthians even boasted about who they followed. As a result, Paul spent most of the previous nineteen verses showing that worldly wisdom, education, and social rank have no influence with God. He then went on to show that not only does God not show any special favor to the rich, powerful, and famous, He actually focuses his grace primarily on those of us who are nobodies in the eyes of the world.

People who have made a name for themselves through hard work, education, political maneuvering, or social standing, all have one thing in common: they take pride in their attainment. They believe that they have risen to their position of importance because of who they are or what they have done. This self-pride, in return, takes the credit away from God. However, the Prophet Jeremiah said this:

Thus says the LORD: "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches; But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight," says the LORD. (Jeremiah 9:23-24)

What we have to recognize is that everything that we are and everything that we have comes from God. Therefore, He deserves to get the credit for it all.


Let us give humble thanks to God for everything that we are and everything that we have. He doesn’t make mistakes, so no matter what our position in life, God deserves all the credit for who we are and what we have accomplished.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved


Ephesians 5:29 – Nourishment and Comfort

For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.

Truth to Learn

Men are responsible for providing for the nourishment and comfort of their wives.

Behind the Words

The word translated “hated” is misesō, which means “to hate, to detest, or to abhor.” It is used frequently in the New Testament to indicate the opposite of agape love.

Sarx is the Greek word translated “flesh.” This word refers to the flesh of a living creature. It is a reference here to the physical part of our existence.

Nourishes” is translated from extrephō, which is made up of ek, meaning “out of” but used here as an intensifier and trephō, meaning “to nourish, to feed, or to bring up to maturity (as is done to children).” This is probably a reference to providing the needs of the body that allows the body to grow physically.

Cherishes” is from the Greek verb thalpō, meaning “to make warm.” It is used figuratively to mean “to foster with tender care.” This is probably a reference to comfort and security that a person needs to develop psychologically.

Meaning Explained

Since verse twenty-two in this chapter, Paul has been teaching about the relationship between a man and a woman within a marriage. First, he said, the wife is to “under-rank” herself. She is to voluntarily place herself under the authority of her husband. This action is clearly easier to do when her husband is treating her in the proper manner. However, it is not a conditional “suggestion,” but an unconditional command given by the Apostle. Paul confined this instruction to just three verses. He then spent the next seven verses telling men how to relate to their wives. Based on the length of the teaching alone, it appears that his teaching to men is even more important than that which he gave to women.

Paul said that a man is to love his wife with a self-sacrificing love, being more concerned for her needs than for his own. He used two examples to show men how they are to love their wives. The first example is the manner in which Christ loves the church, even to the point of sacrificing His own life to provide life for His bride.

The second example is the manner in which we all love our own flesh and blood. This is what he describes in today’s verse. We all provide nourishment for our bodies in order for our bodies to sustain physical life and grow. And, we all provide for physical comfort for our own bodies. Thus, it follows that part of a man’s responsibility to his wife is to provide both comfort and nourishment for her.

In our current Western society it would be easy to twist this teaching and insist that women should stay at home and men should be the breadwinner of the family. That is NOT what Paul is teaching in this passage. His teaching is simply that a man should love his wife and ensure that her physical and comfort needs are taken care of.


Men, how do you stack up against Paul’s teaching in these verses? Are you demonstrating the kind of love in action that places the needs for the sustenance and comfort of your wife above your own needs for these things?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

Ephesians 2:11 – Spiritual Snobbery

Ephesians 2:11  – Spiritual Snobbery

Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh—who are called Uncircumcision by what is called the Circumcision made in the flesh by hands—

Truth to Learn

Spiritual snobbery should not exist in the life of any Christian, for we are saved by God’s grace.

Behind the Words

Remember” is from the Greek verb mnēmoneuō, from which we get our English word mnemonic (a device to help you remember). This particular Greek word means “to recall to one’s mind” or “to remember.”

Gentiles” is translated from ethnos, which simply means “a race” or “a tribe;” specifically, a foreign one. From the Jewish veiwpoint, anyone of a foreign race is a Gentile.

We looked at the word translated “flesh” back in verse three. It is the word sarx, which literally refers to “the flesh of a living creature.” This word is commonly used to refer to the physical part of our existence as opposed to the spiritual part.

Uncircumcision” is from akrobustia, which is made up of akron, meaning “the tip” and a form of the verb buō, meaning “to cover.” Therefore, this word refers to someone who has not had his foreskin cut off.

The word “Circumcision” is translated from peritomē, which is a compound word made up of peri, meaning “around” and a form of the verb temnō, meaning “to cut off.” Hence, this word refers to a circular cutting off of the foreskin.


Meaning Explained

On first glance, one might think that Paul is suddenly changing the subject on this verse. However, a rule of thumb in Bible study is “when you see a ‘therefore’ or a ‘wherefore,’ you need to see what it is there for.”

Paul has been talking about God’s mercy and how by His grace we have been saved through faith. In the past two verses he specifically pointed out that we are not saved by works, but that good works should be the evidence of our salvation. He now contrasts this faith with the religion of works that the Jews have been steeped in for millennia. The Jewish faith goes all the way back to Abraham, who was saved by faith just as we are. As a result of his faith and God’s covenant with him concerning a coming Messiah, Abraham was commanded to circumcise himself and every male in his household (several hundred at that time).

Through the years, the Jews have held fast to circumcision as a sign of their religion and their relationship with God. Because it was an indication in the flesh that they were God’s people, the Jews looked down on all uncircumcised foreigners and declared the gods of the uncircumcised to be false gods. It is as if they built a wall between themselves and everyone else. But, in the coming verses Paul will tell us that the wall has been broken down.


Lest we be too hard on the Jews for their spiritual snobbery, we Christians need to make sure that we are not exhibiting the same attitude toward others. We are no better than the unsaved people of the world. Apart from God’s grace, we would be destined for Hell just like they are. Thank you, God, for your grace and for the faith to believe your promises.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Ephesians 2:3 – Wrath Avoidance

Ephesians 2:3  – Wrath Avoidance

among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.

Truth to Learn

Before we were saved we were destined for God’s wrath.

Behind the Words

The word “among” is translated from the Greek preposition en, meaning “in” or “among.”

Conducted” is from the verb anastrephō. This is made up of ana, meaning “again” and strephō, meaning “to turn.” So, literally it means “to turn again.” When used of a person it means “to move around,” that is, “to live one’s life.”

Epithumia is the Greek word translated “lusts.” It is made up of epi, meaning “over” or “above” and a form of thumos, which refers to “a passion or desire of the mind.” Thus, epithumia refers to “overly strong desires.”

The word “fulfilling” is from the Greek verb poieō, meaning “to make” or “to do.” It is expressed here as a present participle, so it could be translated as “doing.”

Desires” is translated from thelēma which refers to “an act of determination.”

Flesh” is from sarx, which literally refers to “the flesh of a living creature.” This word is commonly used to refer to the physical part of our existence as opposed to the spiritual part.

The word “mind” is translated from dianoia which refers to “deep thought” or “imagination.”

The word “wrath” is translated from orgē, which means “strong emotion, anger, or wrath.”

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul told us that before we became Christians we lived according to the ways of the world system in which we live. Our behavior was influenced by Satan who controls those who don’t believe in Christ.

What he tells us in today’s verse is that we used to live our lives controlled by the lusts of our flesh. Another way of saying that is that we used to be controlled by our sin nature. In the book of Romans, Paul calls it our “old man,” and he tells us that we used to be the slaves of sin:

knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. (Romans 6:6)

Because we were controlled by our fleshly desires and our imagination, Paul says we were children of wrath just like the rest of unsaved humanity. What he means is that before we were saved, we were God’s enemies and subject to his wrath. Many Christians don’t like to think of God as vengeful and exhibiting wrath; they like to think of God as a God of love. He is both. Those who reject Jesus Christ will one day experience the full fury of God’s wrath.

He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. (Revelation 19:15)


As a Christian you still have a sin nature, but you don’t have to be controlled by it. Instead, you can submit your will to God and allow the Holy Spirit to control your life.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 9:8 – Believe the Promise

Romans 9:8 – Believe the Promise

That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed.

Truth to Learn

Works of the flesh are ineffective in God’s record book.

Behind the Words

The word translated “promise” is epangelia, which is made up of epi, used as an intensifier, and angelō, meaning “to tell” or “to declare.” Hence, epangelia refers to “a very strong message, a summons, or a promise.”

Counted” is from the Greek word logidzomai, which we have looked at before. It is an accounting term which means “to credit something to someone’s account.” It is sometimes translated as “impute” or “reckon.” It is an action of God in which He legally declares some characteristic to be applied to someone’s account.

Meaning Explained

Now Paul gets back to imputation. Remember that concept? A few chapters back Paul told us that our righteousness is not earned; rather it is imputed, or credited to us, by a stroke of God’s pen in his personal record book of our lives. He does not do it because we deserve it or because of anything we have done, but because it was His choice. Because Abraham believed God’s promise, righteousness was imputed to him:

For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” (Romans 4:3)

In the same way Paul is telling his Jewish brothers that they are not considered God’s children simply because they are the descendants of Abraham, since that privilege should have gone to his first born son, Ishmael. Instead, Paul tells them, and us, that the children of promise are imputed, or reckoned, as the inheriting children.

The point is that God chose Isaac to be a “child of Abraham,” not Ishmael. Ishmael was the child by natural process. He was the result of Abraham’s (and Sarah’s) own efforts. Their works of the flesh produced the first child, but Isaac was the result of faith. Long after Abraham and Sarah were past the age of producing a child by their own actions, God brought forth Isaac because Abraham believed the promise that God had given him. Isaac was the child of promise and he came as a result of faith.

But that’s not fair, is it? Ishmael was the first born, so he should have received the inheritance. He should have been Abraham’s heir. But it wasn’t up to Abraham, Isaac, or Ishmael to choose, it was up to God. He chose Isaac just as he chooses those who are to be His spiritual children today.

So you see, in the final analysis it is God’s choice that matters, not ours. That’s election! And it’s not the only example of it given to us in the Bible or even here in the book of Romans. Paul will give us more examples as we move on.


Unfortunately, there are many who call themselves Christians today who have achieved that status through works of their flesh. In God’s book, however, only those who have believed His promise that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses them of their sin are declared to be His children. These are the children of the promise and they are saved through faith and faith alone.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 8:13 – Evidence of Faith

Romans 8:13

For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.

Truth to Learn

Your actions indicate whether you are spiritually dead or alive.

Behind the Words

The words “you will” are from the Greek word mellō, which usually means “it is about to happen.” It is normally followed by a verb in the future infinitive form. However, in this verse it is followed by a verb in the present infinitive form. This makes the expression stronger than a future verb. It indicates a necessary consequence. Hence, we could translate this as “you are at the point of death” or “you are going to die.”

The word “deeds” is from the Greek noun praxis, which is from the verb prassō, meaning “to practice,” that is, to perform an action over and over. Therefore, we see that praxis refers to habitual, repeated actions.

Put to death” is from the verb thanatoō, meaning “to kill,” that is, “to take an active part in causing the death of something.” Paul is telling us that a person who habitually satisfies their sin nature will cause their own death.

Body” is from sōma, which refers to our physical body.

Meaning Explained

Let’s look at this one phrase at a time. Paul starts out with, “For if you live according to the flesh.” We have already talked about “according to the flesh,” meaning “satisfying the desires of the sin nature.” The end of this phrase is, “you will die.” It’s not a matter that you may die, but that you definitely will die. This is another indication that Paul is now talking about someone who is not saved. One of the characteristics of an unsaved person is that their actions are dictated by self, not by the Spirit of God, and he or she will suffer eternal death.

The second half of this verse is, “but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.” In other words, if we personally take an active part in putting to death the deeds of our body, we will have life. This is a characteristic of a Christian. As born again Christians, we live by the power of the Holy Spirit, and we will actively fight against and put to death the selfish deeds of our sin nature.

Remember back in verse ten Paul said that if Christ is in you, the body is dead but the spirit is alive. He is now saying that one way for you to tell if Christ is in you (if you are truly saved) is that you will not continually be living to satisfy your sin nature because the Holy Spirit is living in you. Through the Holy Spirit we are continually working to kill the fleshly practices that our body (influenced by our sin nature) wants to do. But, those who are not saved are continually letting their body and its fleshly desires have their way. As a result, they are destined to die and be eternally separated from God. That’s precisely what James meant when he wrote:

Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. (James 2:18b)


So where do your actions say you will spend eternity? Do they say that you are destined to die eternally or that will live eternally in God’s presence as His adopted son or daughter?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 8:12 – Indebted to Whom?

Romans 8:12

Therefore, brethren, we are debtors—not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh.

Truth to Learn

We owe a debt, but not to our sin nature.

Behind the Words

Therefore” is translated from the two Greek words, ara oun. The word ara in an inferential conjunction which indicates that the following phrase is an inference, a conclusion, drawn from the preceding thoughts. It is most often translated “therefore.” The other Greek word, oun, is also an inferential conjunction, but it is also used as a transitional conjunction, indicating that a new train of thought is on the way. It is sometimes translated as “then” or “now.” We could translate these two words as “So now” or “Therefore then.” The effect is to introduce a strong conclusion that the writer is emphasizing.

The word translated “brethren” is the plural form of adelphos. This is made up of a, indicating unity and delphus, meaning “the womb.” So, this word indicates someone who has come from the same mother. The word is used metaphorically throughout the New Testament to indicate those who have the same Heavenly Father. Paul uses this term in reference to Christians and Jews alike.

Debtors” is from opheiletēs, which comes from the verb opheilō, meaning “to owe something to someone else.” Hence, opheiletēs refers to someone who owes something to someone else, that is a debtor.

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we talked how God promises those of us who are truly saved that He will give us the same kind of immortal body that Jesus Christ has right now. That’s part of eternal life, having an eternal body. It will be a body that will not know pain and will not grow old; a body far superior to the one that we now possess.

Now, he makes a very strong conclusion: since we will receive an immortal body, we have no reason to live as debtors to this mortal body. In other words, we should not treat this body as if we owe it anything. We should not satisfy the desires and cravings of this body because not only does it not own us, but it will be replaced by a much better body some day.

We should not live kata sarka or “according to the flesh.” You will remember that we talked a number of verses back about the fact that kata, means “according to” or “with respect to.” We should not conduct our lives in such a manner as to cater to our fleshly desires. We should, in fact, act as if we were dead when it comes to satisfying the desires of our flesh. That’s what Paul will tell us in the next verse.


The next time one of those sinful fleshly desires begins to get you into trouble, remember that you are not required to obey it; you don’t owe it anything! In fact, we are debtors to someone else. We owe God a great debt, our lives. We owed Him the penalty for our sins (death), but Jesus Christ paid that debt for us so we now have eternal life. Therefore, we owe Him a debt of gratitude for rescuing us. We owe Him our life!

How are you paying off that debt?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 8:8 – Please God!

Romans 8:8

So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.

Truth to Learn

Only those who are walking in the Spirit can please God.

Behind the Words

Cannot” is translated from “ou dounanti.” Ou expresses absolute negation (there is a different word, me, which implies conditional or hypothetical negation). Dounanti is a form of dounamai, meaning “to be able” or “to have the power to do something.” In other words, those who are in the flesh do not have the ability or the power to please God.

The word “please” is from areskō, which is thought to be derived from an old verb arō, meaning “to fit, adapt, or please.” The notion of areskō is “to be content with” or “to soften one’s heart toward” someone else. Those who are in the flesh are not able to soften God’s heart toward themselves.

Meaning Explained

Paul now takes this argument one step further. He has just said that the person who is fleshly minded, the one who is preoccupied with and controlled by the desires of the flesh, is openly hostile toward God and is not subject to His laws. Therefore, He says, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.

Now we have to ask ourselves, “What does Paul mean by the expression, “in the flesh?” He is not talking about everyone who has a body of flesh. He is talking about those who are fleshly minded. Their every waking moment is occupied with satisfying the desires and needs of the flesh. This is a description of unregenerate mankind, those who are not saved. We know this because in the following verse he will contrast them with the Roman Christians who are saved.

Paul is telling us that unsaved people, who are controlled by their own flesh, cannot possibly please God. It doesn’t matter how many “Hail Mary’s” they say, and it doesn’t matter how many good works that they do “for God.” It doesn’t matter how often they pray or read their Bible. It doesn’t matter how many years they have been a member of a church or how regularly they attend the services. If they are not genuinely saved, it is not possible for them to please God, and they are, therefore, God’s enemies.

In the previous chapter Paul bemoaned the fact that he didn’t always do the things that please God. He told us that the law is spiritual but that he is carnal (fleshly). He then opened this chapter with:

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.

His point is that unsaved people are always controlled by their sin nature (their flesh) and are not able to please God. Those who are saved, however, can please God, but we don’t do it all the time. When we are walking “in the Spirit” we are pleasing to God, but when we are walking “in the flesh,” we are not pleasing to God.


We should always strive to be pleasing to God, so our aim should be to walk in the spirit. Let’s all recommit ourselves to spending more time walking in the Spirit and not in the flesh!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 8:5 – What Do You Think?

Romans 8:5

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.

Truth to Learn

What we think about is demonstrated by our actions.

Behind the Words

The words “who live” come from a form of the Greek word eimi. This is the verb of existence or being (I am, you are, he or she is, etc.)

According to” is the translation of the Greek word kata, which technically means “down” and is often used as an emphatic to intensify the meaning of another word. It is also used metaphorically, as it is here, to express the relation in which one thing stands with respect to another. In such a case it is translated as “in the manner of, according to, or characterized by.”

The phrase “set their minds on” is from phroneō, which means “to think, have a mindset, or be minded.” The activity represented by this word refers to our thought processes and it involves our will, our affections, and out conscience.

Meaning Explained

This verse is an explanation of the last part of the previous verse which said, “… who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.” That phrase is a repetition of what we saw in verse 1. In some of the oldest manuscripts, however, this phrase only exists in verse four and not in verse one, so some translations leave it out of verse one. It rightly belongs to verse four, however, and the current verse now explains it.

Paul said that we conduct our manner of life either “according to our flesh” or “according to the Spirit.” So, if we are “walking according to the flesh,” it means that we are walking through life in a manner that is characterized by the things of the flesh. If we are “walking according to the Spirit,” it means that we are walking through life in a manner that is characterized by things of the Spirit of God.

Notice, however, that Paul does not talk about “those who walk” in this verse, but “those who live.” A person’s walk is the outward evidence of how he or she lives his or her life. If we live according to the flesh, then we will walk according to the flesh. But, if we live a life controlled by the Spirit of God, then the way we act will also be controlled by the Spirit.

Now, by way of explaining that phrase further, Paul says that those who walk according to flesh “set their minds on the things of flesh.” That is, those who live according to flesh are continually thinking about fleshly things; their thoughts are about how to please self. Those who live according to the Spirit, however, are continually thinking about spiritual things; their thoughts are about how to please God.


In what realm do you spend most of your time? Do you spend more time thinking about spiritual things and about how you can please God, or do you spend more time thinking about how you can please yourself? In other words, are you living according to the flesh or according to the Spirit? Ouch!

Let us all commit to spending more time thinking spiritual about things and less time thinking about our own desires!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 8:3 – Righteous Through Him

Romans 8:3

For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh,

Truth to Learn

Jesus Christ perfectly kept the law, thus demonstrating His righteousness, and God grants us His righteousness through faith in His sacrificial death.

Behind the Words

The words “could not do” are translated from a single Greek word. It is adunatos, which is a compound word made up of the privative a, meaning “without” or “not” and dunatos, meaning “powerful, able, or capable.” Hence, adunatos means “without power” or “unable.”

Weak” is from the verb astheneō, which is made up of the privative a, meaning “without” and sthenos, meaning “strength.” Thus, it means “without strength” or “weak.”

The Greek word homoiōma is translated here as “likeness.” This word is derived from homos, which means “one and the same.” Homoiōma means “having the same form.”

The word translated “condemned” is the Greek word katakrino, which is the verb form of a word we looked at just two verses back. It means “to proclaim a judgment of condemnation against someone or something.”

Meaning Explained

This is another potentially very confusing verse so let’s look at it one phrase at a time. “For what the Law could not do” is a reference to what Paul has said in the seventh chapter of this letter. The Law cannot produce righteousness in man. Why? “In that it was weak through the flesh” says that the reason the law could not produce righteousness is because man tried to produce righteousness through acts of the flesh. But the flesh is weak because of the sin nature and cannot satisfy the law; therefore, the law could not produce this righteousness.

But, what the Law could not do, Paul says God sent his son to do for us: “God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh.” In other words, even though Christ took on human flesh, he did not take on sinful human flesh. He had the appearance of sinful flesh (that form which every member of the human race has), but He was not sinful human flesh. For emphasis, let me restate that this passage says that Christ took on human flesh, but he did not take on sinful human flesh.

God the Father sent Jesus in the form of sinful human flesh, “on account of sin;” that is, Christ came to earth and took on human flesh in order to deal with sin. He dealt with sin by living a sinless life that was then freely offered for sinful lives. Because he perfectly fulfilled the Law and committed no sin, He “condemned sin in the flesh.” In other words, in human flesh Jesus perfectly fulfilled the Law and therefore made a judgment of condemnation against sin.


Paul has been teaching us that a person cannot be justified by trying to obey the law. We have a sin nature that causes us to sin, and with a single sin we lose the righteousness that perfectly keeping the law would have provided. As a result, God had to create a way for sinful man to receive His righteousness, which can only come by faith in the blood of Christ. Thank you, God, for giving me your righteousness through faith in the sacrifice of Your perfect Son.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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