Tag: affliction

Romans 12:12 – Guided Journey

rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;

Truth to Learn

Hope, patience, and steadfastness can be ours in Christ.


Behind the Words

“Rejoicing” is translated from chairontes, meaning “to be full of cheer,” or “to be calmly happy.”

The word “hope” is from elpis, which means, “an earnest desire, and the expectation of obtaining the object of that desire.” It is not an uncertainty that we hope will come to pass; it implies a clear expectation that it will happen.

The word translated “affliction” is a form of the Greek word thlipsis, meaning “to press, squeeze, or crush.” It refers to those times when we are under pressure or affliction.

“Patient” is from a form of hupomonē, which is made up of hupo, meaning “under or beneath” and a form of menō, which means “to remain.” So literally it means “to remain under.

The word translated “continuing steadfastly” is proskartereō. This is made up of pros, meaning “to or towards” and kartereō, meaning “to endure.” It literally means “to stay where you are.” As Paul uses it here, it means “to stay in an attitude and practice of prayer.”


Meaning Explained

Like the previous verse, Christians are told how to behave in life. Paul starts off with “rejoicing in hope.” We have a hope of eternal glory that the unsaved don’t have. We know that there is a future state in which we will live with our Savior, where there will be no more tears, pain, or suffering. It is this future hope of glory that Paul reminds us of, telling us to rejoice in hope.

Paul’s next admonition is to be “patient in tribulation.” When we are under pressure or affliction, we want to take matters into our own hands, causing us to respond inappropriately. Instead, we need to “remain under control” or “remain under the authority and leadership of our Lord.” We need to remain submitted to Him and committed to doing His will, not our own.

Finally, Paul tells us we need to be “continuing steadfastly in prayer.” No matter what happens, whether in good times or bad, whether in sickness or health, whether in joy or in sorrow, we need to consistently be in the attitude and practice of prayer with our God.

God does not intend for our Christian lives to be ones in which we are on a journey by ourselves calling upon our Father whenever we have troubles. Instead, He wants us to be on a journey with Him as our constant companion and guide, talking (praying) about everything with Him as we experience it; asking questions as we go, sharing our joys with Him, and seeking comfort in our sorrows. This is the kind of personal relationship God wants with each one of us, and it involves a LOT of prayer.



How is your journey in life going? Perhaps your path is rocky and difficult right now. Are you patiently enduring it? Are you going it alone, or do you have your guide walking with you and leading the way? And, are you carrying on a constant conversation with your guide?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 3:7 – Focusing On Others

because of this, brothers, in all our affliction and distress we were comforted concerning you by your faith.

Truth to Learn

Paul was concerned about how his own persecution was affecting the faith of others.


Behind the Words

“Because of this” is from the Greek words dia touto. The word dia denotes the channel of action, that is, “on account of” or “by means of.” Touto means “this.” Therefore, dia touto literally translates as “on account of this” or “because of this.”

“Brothers” is the translation of adelphos, which is made up of a, indicating unity and delphus, which refers to the womb. Therefore, literally this word means “someone having the same birth origin.” Since all Christians are “born of the Spirit,” we are all brothers and sisters in the Lord.

The word “affliction” is translated from thlipsis, which we saw back in verse three. It means “pressure, stress, trouble, or affliction.”

The word translated “distress” is anagkē, which can refer to “necessity” or to “an oppositional compelling force.”

“We were comforted” is from the Greek verb parakaleō, which we saw back in verse two where it was translated as “encourage.” It is a picture of someone being called alongside to challenge and encourage. In this verse it could be translated as “comforted” or “encouraged.”

Pistis is the Greek word translated “faith.” It is based on the verb peithō, meaning “to persuade” or “to win over by persuasive discussion.” Pistis refers to the state of having been firmly convinced of a truth.


Meaning Explained

As we have mentioned before, word order is very important in Greek. The thought or idea expressed first is the most important. In today’s verse, the Greek word order says, “because of this, we were comforted, brothers, concerning you …” You may recall from verses one and five that Paul wanted to know about how the Thessalonians were doing, but he had not heard any word from them. He knew that he and his co-workers had only spent a brief time with these young Christians and he was concerned that the persecution that they were facing might have weakened their faith. So, Paul had sent Timothy to Thessalonica to strengthen and encourage them and to see how strong their faith was.

But it was not just the persecution of the Thessalonians that Paul was uncomfortable about. Paul was concerned that the persecution and affliction that he and his companions were suffering might be affecting the faith of his brothers and sisters in Thessalonica. This may be only a subtle distinction, but it demonstrates something significant about the Apostle. He was not focusing on himself and his own circumstances, but on how his circumstances might be affecting others.



Part of human nature is to look-out for ourselves, to do all we can to ensure that we are safe and comfortable. Pure and undefiled faith in God, however, means trusting God and being concerned about the safety and wellbeing of others. What are you putting your trust in and whose wellbeing are you most concerned about?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 1:6 – Affliction and Joy

And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit,

Truth to Learn

Committed Christian living will result in affliction – and joy.


Behind the Words

 “Imitators” is translated from mimētēs, from which we get our English word “mimic.” It means “someone who mimics, imitates, or follows the example of someone else.”

The words “having received” are from dechomai, meaning “to receive.” It is very similar in meaning to the verb lambanō except that lambanō implies more of an active participation (to take to oneself) while dechomai implies more of a subjective or passive participation (to receive for oneself).

Thlipsis is the Greek word translated “affliction.” It is derived from the verb thlibō, meaning “to crush” or “to squeeze.” Thlipsis refers to “pressure, trouble, affliction, tribulation, or distress.”

“Joy” is translated from chara, which is derived from the verb chairō, meaning “to rejoice.” Therefore, chara refers to “joy, rejoicing, or gladness.”


Meaning Explained

As we mentioned yesterday, belief in the good news about Jesus Christ is the substance of our salvation. The whole discussion of election versus “free will” becomes a moot point at the moment of conversion. It doesn’t matter whether you believe that God chose or man chooses; what matters is that a lost sinner becomes a child of God and is credited with the righteousness of Christ at the moment of belief in the gospel message.

Then, at the end of yesterday’s verse Paul said, “as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake.” Paul did not expect the people to whom he preached to pay him for what he did. Instead, he worked as a tent maker to pay for his own expenses. He, along with Silvanus and Timothy, lived exemplary lives in spite of the persecution they faced from the local Jews, who even traveled to Berea to harass Paul after he began preaching there. It is important to note that Paul’s ministry didn’t stop when people got saved. He simply switched from evangelist mode to teacher mode. He taught them the fundamental truths of how to live a life committed to God, and as an example to be followed he lived the kind of life that he taught about.

As a result, we learn in today’s verse that the Thessalonians became imitators of Paul and his companions. They didn’t just listen to their teaching, smile politely, say a few amens, and then continue living as they always had. They changed. They put into practice what they were taught, using as their living examples Paul and his companions. And what did they get for it? They received the same persecution that Paul continually endured. We are told here that it wasn’t just a little teasing that they received, they suffered “much affliction.”

Those who afflicted them did so intentionally to make them suffer, but they didn’t complain; instead, they endured it with joy in their hearts. That’s committed Christian living.



Christ told His disciples, “In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer …” (John 16:33b) Rather than causing us sadness, persecution and hardship should cause us to be as joyous as the Thessalonians, particularly if it has come upon us as a result of our living our Christian faith. Are you willing to suffer for Christ? Think about how much He gave for you!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 3:7 – Focusing On Others

therefore, brethren, in all our affliction and distress we were comforted concerning you by your faith.

Truth to Learn

Paul was concerned about how his own persecution was affecting the faith of others.

Behind the Words

Therefore” is from the Greek words dia touto. The word dia denotes the channel of action, that is, “on account of” or “by means of.” Touto means “this.” Therefore, dia touto literally translates as “on account of this” or “because of this.”

“Brethren” is the translation of adelphos, which is made up of a, indicating unity and delphus, which refers to the womb. Therefore, literally this word means “someone having the same birth origin.” Since all Christians are “born of the Spirit,” we are all brothers and sisters in the Lord.

The word “affliction” is translated from thlipsis, which we saw back in verse three. It means “pressure, stress, trouble, or affliction.”

The word translated “distress” is anagkē, which can refer to “necessity” or to “an oppositional compelling force.”

We were comforted” is from the Greek verb parakaleō, which we saw back in verse two where it was translated as “encourage.” It is a picture of someone being called alongside to challenge and encourage. In this verse it could be translated as “comforted” or “encouraged.”

Pistis is the Greek word translated “faith.” It is based on the verb peithō, meaning “to persuade” or “to win over by persuasive discussion.” Pistis refers to the state of having been firmly convinced of a truth.

Meaning Explained

As we have mentioned before, word order is very important in Greek. The thought or idea expressed first is the most important. In today’s verse, the Greek word order says, “therefore, we were comforted, brothers, over you …” You may recall from verses one and five that Paul wanted to know about how the Thessalonians were doing, but he had not heard any word from them. He knew that he and his co-workers had only spent a brief time with these young Christians and he was concerned that the persecution that they were facing might have weakened their faith. So, Paul had sent Timothy to Thessalonica to strengthen and encourage them and to see how strong their faith was.

But it was not just the persecution of the Thessalonians that Paul was uncomfortable about. Paul was concerned that the persecution and affliction that he and his companions were suffering might be affecting the faith of his brothers and sisters in Thessalonica. This may be only a subtle distinction, but it demonstrates something significant about the Apostle. He was not focusing on himself and his own circumstances, but on how his circumstances might be affecting others.


Part of human nature is to look-out for ourselves, to do all we can to ensure that we are safe and comfortable. Pure and undefiled faith in God, however, means trusting God and being concerned about the safety and wellbeing of others. What are you putting your trust in and whose wellbeing are you most concerned about?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 1:6 – Affliction and Joy

And you became followers of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit,

Truth to Learn

Committed Christian living will result in affliction – and joy.

Behind the Words

 “Followers” is translated from mimētēs, from which we get our English word “mimic.” It means “someone who mimics, imitates, or follows the example of someone else.”

The words “having received” are from dechomai, meaning “to receive.” It is very similar in meaning to the verb lambanō except that lambanō implies more of an active participation (to take to oneself) while dechomai implies more of a subjective or passive participation (to receive to oneself).

Thlipsis is the Greek word translated “affliction.” It is derived from the verb thlibō, meaning “to crush” or “to squeeze.” Thlipsis refers to “pressure, trouble, affliction, or distress.”

Joy” is translated from chara, which is derived from the verb chairō, meaning “to rejoice.” Therefore, chara refers to “joy, rejoicing, or gladness.”

Meaning Explained

As we mentioned yesterday, belief in the good news about Jesus Christ is the substance of our salvation. The whole discussion of election versus “free will” becomes a moot point at the moment of conversion. It doesn’t matter whether you believe that God chose or man chooses; what matters is that a lost sinner becomes a child of God and is credited with the righteousness of Christ at the moment of faith.

Then, at the end of yesterday’s verse Paul said, “as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake.” Paul did not expect the people to whom he preached to pay him for what he did. Instead, he worked as a tent maker to pay for his own expenses. He, along with Silvanus and Timothy, lived exemplary lives in spite of the persecution they faced from the local Jews, who even traveled to Berea to harass Paul after he began preaching there. It is important to note that Paul’s ministry didn’t stop when people got saved. He simply switched from evangelist mode to teacher mode. He taught them the fundamental truths of how to live a life committed to God, and he lived the kind of life that he taught about.

As a result, we learn in today’s verse that the Thessalonians became imitators of Paul and his companions. They didn’t just listen to their teaching, smile politely, say a few amens, and then continue living as they always had. They changed. They put into practice what they were taught, using as their living examples Paul and his companions. And what did they get for it? They received the same persecution that Paul continually endured. We are told here that it wasn’t just a little teasing that they received, they suffered “much affliction.”

Those who afflicted them did so intentionally to make them suffer, but they didn’t complain; instead, they endured it with joy in their hearts. That’s committed Christian living.


Christ told His disciples, “In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer …” (John 16:33b)  Rather than causing us sadness, persecution and hardship should cause us to be as joyous as the Thessalonians, particularly if it has come upon us as a result of our living our Christian faith. Are you willing to suffer for Him? Think about how much He gave for you!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 12:12 – Guided Journey

Romans 12:12 – Guided Journey

rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;

Truth to Learn

Hope, patience, and steadfastness can be ours in Christ.

Behind the Words

Rejoicing” is translated from chairontes, meaning “to be full of cheer,” or “to be calmly happy.”

The word “hope” is from elpis, which means, “an earnest desire, and the expectation of obtaining the object of that desire.” It is not an uncertainty that we hope will come to pass; it implies a clear expectation that it will happen.

The word translated “affliction” is a form of the Greek word thlipsis, meaning “to press, squeeze, or crush.” It refers to those times when we are under pressure or affliction.

Patient” is from a form of hupomonē, which is made up of hupo, meaning “under or beneath” and a form of menō, which means “to remain.” So literally it means “to remain under.

The word translated “continuing steadfastly” is proskartereō. This is made up of pros, meaning “to or towards” and kartereō, meaning “to endure.” It literally means “to stay where you are.” As Paul uses it here, it means “to stay in an attitude and practice of prayer.”

Meaning Explained

In this verse, like the previous verse, Christians are told how to behave in life. Paul starts off with “rejoicing in hope.” We have a hope of eternal glory that the unsaved don’t have. We know that there is a future state in which we will live with our Savior, where there will be no more tears, pain, or suffering. It is this future hope of glory that Paul reminds us of, telling us to rejoice in hope.

Paul’s next admonition is to be “patient in tribulation.” When we are under pressure or affliction, we want to take matters into our own hands, causing us to respond inappropriately. Instead, we need to “remain under control” or “remain under the authority and leadership of our Lord.” We need to remain submitted to Him and committed to doing His will, not our own.

Finally, Paul tells us we need to be “continuing steadfastly in prayer.” No matter what happens, whether in good times or bad, whether in sickness or health, whether in joy or in sorrow, we need to consistently be in the attitude and practice of prayer with our God.

God does not intend for our Christian lives to be ones in which we are on a journey by ourselves calling upon our Father whenever we have troubles. Instead, He wants us to be on a journey with Him as our constant companion and guide, talking (praying) about everything with Him as we experience it; asking questions as we go, sharing our joys with Him, and seeking comfort in our sorrows. This is the kind of personal relationship God wants with each one of us.


How is your journey in life going? Perhaps your path is rocky and difficult right now. Are you patiently enduring it? Are you going it alone, or do you have your guide walking with you and leading the way? And, are you carrying on a constant conversation with your guide?

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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