
1 Thessalonians 5:19 – Let The Spirit Breathe

Do not quench the Spirit.

Truth to Learn

It is wrong for Christians to suppress the working of the Spirit.


Behind the Words

The word “quench” is translated from sbennumi, which means “to extinguish” or “to quench.” When used metaphorically, it means “to suppress” or “to hinder.” The verb is expressed here in the imperative mood, indicating a command.

“Spirit” is from the Greek noun pneuma, from which we get our English words pneumatic (meaning “air filled”). Pneuma is based on the verb pneō, meaning “to breath.” Thus, pneuma refers to “a breath of air” or “air in motion.” This is the word used to describe the vital spirit of life or the breath breathed by God into man which gives him life. It is also used to refer to that part of man which is independent of the body. When used of God, it is a reference to the third person of the godhead, the Holy Spirit.


Meaning Explained

As we mentioned earlier, Paul is in the midst of teaching how we are to conduct ourselves in our own personal lives. In the previous three verses, although he talked about actions, Paul was primarily referring to actions that spring from our inner attitudes. In this verse and the three that follow, he talks about actions that demonstrate our submission and commitment to God.

In today’s verse we are commanded not to quench the Spirit. In the Greek text the word (not) precedes the verb. As it is written here it means to stop quenching the Spirit or to break the habit of quenching the Spirit. Apparently, the Thessalonians were trying to suppress the manifestation of the Spirit of God and the use of spiritual gifts given to them.

If you compare this church and the church in Corinth, where there was an excessive display of spiritual gifts, you can see that they weren’t much different from churches today. There are some modern day churches that make a big display of the gifts of the spirit like the church in Corinth was doing. But, there are other churches where the gifts of the Spirit are suppressed and looked down upon. Paul does not approve of either of these extremes. Some churches today even teach that some of the spiritual gifts are no longer in effect today, but their basis for this claim is tenuous at best.

What we need to recognize is that God gave Christians these spiritual gifts for the building up of the body of Christ. This is what he told the Corinthians:

So also you, since you are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek to build up the church that you may abound. (1 Corinthians 14:12)

Therefore, whether we would seek a particular spiritual gift for personal benefit, or suppress the manifestation of genuine gifts of the Spirit, we are not pleasing to God. However, if we are completely submitted to the will of God, we will use the gift or gifts He has given us to build up the body of Christ and in doing so bring glory to God and God alone.



If you know what your spiritual gift is, then seek to use it to build up other members of the body of Christ. If you don’t know what your gift is, then submit yourself wholly to God and seek His face. If you do so, He will reveal to you what your gift is and how to use it for His glory and honor. However, like all prayers to God, do not expect an immediate answer. It may take years before your gift is revealed to you. In the meantime, be active in serving him. Try on different responsibilities within the body until you find the one that fits you and your gift.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:18 – Thankful For Everything

in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Truth to Learn

Christians are to be thankful for everything!


Behind the Words

The word translated “everything” is pas, meaning “all.” It includes the idea of plurality, meaning “all the parts” or “every.” In this verse it is expressed as a neuter adjective, so it could be translated as “all things” or “everything.”

“Give thanks” is from the Greek verb eucharisteō, which is composed of eu, meaning “good” or “well” and a form of charidzomai, meaning “to grant” or “to give.” Thus, eucharisteō means “to express gratitude” or “to give thanks.”


Meaning Explained

In the past two verses, Paul has given us a couple of commands regarding Christian attitudes: always rejoicing and ceaseless prayer. He now adds a third attitude that we are to have: giving thanks for everything. This is not the only place in the New Testament where we are told to give thanks for everything. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul said:

giving thanks always for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father, (Ephesians 5:20)

And, in his letter to the Colossians, he said:

And whatever you do in word or in deed, do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. (Colossians 3:17)

Also, in his letter to the Philippian Christians, Paul said:

Be anxious about nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; (Philippians 4:6)

As with giving praise, however, it is difficult for us to be thankful for situations in which we feel physical or emotional pain. However, James has given us a similar command in the first chapter of his letter:

My brothers, consider it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the proving of your faith brings about patience. But let patience have its completing work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. (James 1:2-4)

Yes, it’s hard to be filled with joy and to give thanks to God for trials and troubles, but it’s what God expects from Christians. Doing so will produce patience in us, as James told us. But we also know that God will use even these difficult times to produce good, as Paul told the Christians in Rome:

And we know that to those who love God all things work together for good, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Finally, the reason we should give thanks for everything that happens is because it’s God’s will for every Christian. In fact, the grammatical construction in the Greek text indicates that everything in this and the previous two verses (rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in everything) are part of God’s will for every Christian.



Whether we’re healthy or sick, whether we’re rich or poor, whether life is easy or hard, whether we feel like it or not, it is our responsibility to give thanks to God. It is what God wants, it is what He expects, and it is what He deserves. Let’s get on our knees right now and thank God for everything in our lives!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:17 – Pray Unceasingly

pray without ceasing,

Truth to Learn

Our prayer life is to be a continual part of our walk with God.


Behind the Words

“Pray” is translated from the Greek verb proseuchomai. This word is made up of pros, meaning “to or toward” and euchomai, which literally means “to speak out” or “to express a wish.” Therefore, proseuchomai means “to express a wish to someone” or “to speak out to someone.” In virtually every occurrence of this verb in the New Testament, the person being spoken to is God. The verb is expressed here in the imperative mood, expressing a command.

The words “without ceasing” are from the Greek adverb adialeiptōs, which is made up of a, meaning “without” and a form of the verb dialeipō, meaning “to interrupt” or “to leave a gap.” Thus, adialeiptōs literally means “without interruption.” In common usage, however, it means “constantly recurring” not “continuously occurring.” This word was used by Greeks to describe a cough that would not go away. They were not referring to a constant cough, but a persistent one.


Meaning Explained

Paul has switched his teaching from that of how we are to interact with others in the church to how we are to conduct our own personal Christian life. Verses sixteen, seventeen, and eighteen deal primarily with attitudes, while verses nineteen through twenty-two deal primarily with actions. In yesterday’s verse we learned that we are to have an attitude of rejoicing within our spirit at all times. Today, Paul focuses on our attitude of prayer.

As in yesterday’s verse, today’s verse is a command given to us by God. We are to pray unceasingly. There are two ways of interpreting this command. The first is a literal interpretation, in which we are to pray without interruption. This could be called our attitude of prayer. In other words, from the moment we wake in the morning until we fall asleep at night, we are to have an awareness of and communion with God. The other interpretation could be called our persistence in prayer. In other words, we are to be repeatedly communicating with God throughout each day.

Let’s look at Jesus as our example. As the second person of the Godhead, He was constantly aware of God the Father and God the Spirit. However, we find that there were times when He stopped praying. For instance, in Luke 11:1 it says of Jesus, “And it happened, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, one of His disciples said to Him …” Jesus stopped praying long enough to teach His disciples how to pray. Another aspect of praying persistently is given to us in Luke 18:1-5. In these verses Jesus is teaching the importance of repeatedly making our requests known to God, without giving up.

As a final note on prayer, keep in mind the advice a wise Christian gave me when I was a new believer. He said, “It is better to pray short in public and long in private.” Think about that!



Prayer – talking with God – is a foundation stone of our walk with Him through our life on earth. We are to have a constant attitude of prayer and we are to be continually talking to Him. And, we need to listen while we are talking.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:16 – Rejoice Always

Rejoice always,

Truth to Learn

Christians should always be filled with joy.


Behind the Words

The Greek verb translated “rejoice,” is chairō, which literally means “to be calmly happy, to be glad, or to rejoice.” It is expressed here in the imperative mood, indicating a command.

“Always” is from pantote, which we saw in yesterday’s verse. It means “all the time.”


Meaning Explained

Here’s a little nugget for all you trivia buffs. In the Greek text, this is the shortest verse in the New Testament. It is made up of only two words. John 11:35, which has the reputation of being the shortest verse in the Bible (Jesus wept), contains three words in the Greek text. Now, back to our study —

Back in verses twelve and thirteen, Paul instructed us on how we are to regard and respect our hard working pastors. Then he challenged us regarding how we are to deal with people in the church who cause division and how we are to comfort and support the timid and weak members of our church. In yesterday’s verse, he informed us that getting retaliation for bad things done to us is not what God wants us to do. Instead, we are to always pursue the performance of good deeds.

Now, for the next few verses Paul focuses on the attitudes and actions we need to give attention to in our personal lives. The first attitude he wants us to develop is that of a joyous outlook on life. He commands us to be joyful at all times. But what if I’m going through tough times and bad things are happening to me? you may ask. It is especially important in the midst of difficult circumstances to have an attitude of joy. Yes, it’s easy to get depressed and discouraged when bad things are happening to you; however, Paul is not making a suggestion here, he is giving us a command from God.

The key is to recognize that Paul is talking about spiritual joy, not just a fleshly, emotional happiness. As Christians we need to be constantly focused on what God has done for us and the promise He has given us. God is a holy, righteous God. He is totally sinless and because of His righteousness, He must judge sinners. When we realize how sinful we are and that the penalty for our sinfulness is eternal death and damnation, we begin to recognize how undeserving we are of God’s grace.

Bad things happen to us for three reasons:

  • They are the consequences of our own sinfulness (God promises us forgiveness of our sin, not avoidance of its consequence).
  • God allows them to happen to us in order to help us grow spiritually and become more Christ-like.
  • They are a result of the sinful, ungodly world in which we live.

No matter what the source, however, we can be filled with joy because one day we will leave this sinful world and we will spend eternity in God’s presence. This is much better than the eternal fate that unbelievers face, whether they know it (or believe it) or not.



In the midst of difficult circumstances we can be filled with joy, knowing that we are God’s children and we will spend eternity in His presence. Therefore, my friend, no matter what your circumstances are, learn to be filled with joy.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:15 – Do Good, Not Evil

See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for one another and for all.

Truth to Learn

Don’t retaliate when you experience evil. Do good instead.


Behind the Words

The word translated “renders” is apodidōmi, which is composed of apo, meaning “from” or “away from” and didōmi, meaning “to give.” Literally, it means “to give from,” that is, to act in response to action done. Specifically, it refers to retaliation. Some translations have this as “return” or “repay.”

Kakos is the Greek word translated “evil.” This word refers to external actions that are “worthless, bad, or evil.” A different Greek word, ponēros, refers to wickedness or maliciousness as an internal motivation.

“For” is translated from anti, meaning “opposite” or “against.” Here it indicates action directed against someone else.

“Always” is from pantote, which is made up of a form of pas, meaning “all” and tote, meaning “then, in terms of time.” Thus, pantote means “all the time” or “always.”

The word “pursue” is from the verb diokō, which means “to pursue (in a good sense” or “to persecute (in a bad sense).”

Agathos is the word translated “good.” It refers to the quality or characteristic of goodness or usefulness.


Meaning Explained

In yesterday’s verse, Paul taught us how we are to respond to certain issues within the church. We need to caution those who are unruly or disruptive, reminding them of the need for peace and orderly conduct in the church. We also need to provide comfort and encouragement for those who are overcome with fear and doubt. And, we need to support those who are weak physically, emotionally, and spiritually. He also said that we are to do these things with an attitude of patience.

Now he tells us what not to do, and what to do instead. Each one of us at one time or another has been the recipient of malicious action, whether it was intentional or not. The normal response, driven by our sin nature, is to strike back – to get even. After all, the Old Testament teaches “an eye for an eye,” right? But that’s not what the New Testament teaches. Paul says, “Don’t repay evil for evil.” Instead of retaliating for something evil that was done to us, Paul says we need to go after what is good.

Jesus Christ is our perfect example of this. He claimed to be the Son of God (which He truly is), thus claiming to be equal with God. (Matthew 26:63, 64) Because of this, He was condemned to die. He was then ridiculed, beaten, and hung on a cross to die. Even those standing around him said, “If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross.” (Matthew 27:40) Jesus did not deserve any of this kind of treatment, and He could have simply spoken the words and those mocking Him would have died. Instead, he chose to do what was ultimately the kindest, most loving thing anyone has ever done. He stayed on the cross and gave His life as payment for your sins and mine. He did what was good for all.



The next time someone does something evil to you, remember what Jesus did for you. Remember what Paul teaches us: pursue what is good for all. This will glorify God.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:14 – Caution, Support, and Patience

And we exhort you, brothers, warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, support the weak, be patient with all.

Truth to Learn

We all need to patiently work toward peace in the church.


Behind the Words

The word “exhort” is from parakaleō, meaning “to encourage, challenge, or comfort.”

“Warn” is translated from noutheteō, which was translated as “admonish” a couple of verses ago. It means “to put in mind,” “to caution,” or “to reprove.”

“Unruly” is from the Greek word ataktos. This is made up of the privative a, meaning “not” and a form of the verb tassō, meaning “to arrange in an orderly manner.” Thus, ataktos literally means “disorderly.”

The word translated “comfort” is paramutheomai, which is made up of para, meaning “alongside” or “near” and the verb form of muthos (a myth or story), meaning “to relate a story.” Paramutheomai means “to speak kindly or soothingly.”

“Fainthearted” is translated from oligopsuchos. This word is made up of oligos, meaning “small or little” and phuchē, meaning “soul.”

Anthechō is the Greek word translated “support.” It is composed of anti, meaning “against” and echo, meaning “to have” or “to hold.” So, literally this word means “to hold close.”

“Be patient” is from makrothumeō, from makros, meaning “long” and thumos, meaning “anger.” It means “to be long-suffering or patient.”


Meaning Explained

At the end of yesterday’s verse Paul told us to be at peace with each other (referring to Christians); however, being at peace (or making peace) is an active process, not a passive one. Here, Paul gives us some ideas regarding how we can make peace. Notice, first of all, that he doesn’t say, “Just ignore problems that are in the church.” When we see problems in the church we are to take positive, loving action.

The first issue that Paul addresses is members who are unruly or disorderly. In 1 Corinthians 14:33, Paul contrasted confusion (or disorder) with peace. Those who are disorderly, cause confusion and strife. We need to caution such people and remind them of the need for order and peace within the church.

The second issue that Paul addresses is faintheartedness. These people lack courage or conviction to pursue what is right. They tend to just “give-in and give-up” when faced with opposition. We need to speak kindly to such people and remind them that doing things God’s way is always the right way.

The third issue involves those who are weak. This word is usually applied to those who are physically weak. We are to put effort into lending support to those who are weak, either physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

In each of these situations, however, we are to be patient with those who cause problems. That doesn’t mean ignoring the problem, rather giving loving support and guidance even when the problem recurs over and over again.



Making peace within the church is a full time job and it is to be done in a kind, loving way just as our Lord would do.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:13 – Respect, Honor, and Peace

and to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. Be at peace among yourselves.

Truth to Learn

Respect and honor your pastor and be at peace with all your Christian brothers.


Behind the Words

“Esteem” is translated from hēgeomai, which means “to lead,” that is, “to command.” It is often used metaphorically, however, meaning “to lead the mind through a reasoning process arriving at a conclusion.” In other words, here it means “conclude, consider, view, regard, or reckon.”

The word “very” is from the Greek word huper (hyper), which means “above, over, or beyond.”

The Greek word translated “highly” is the comparative form of perissos, which means abundant. Thus, this word means “more than abundant, or highly.”

Ergon is the Greek word translated “work.” It represents the work that someone does in performing his or her job.

“Be at peace” is translated from the verb eirēneuō, which is based on eirēnē, meaning “peace.” Thus, eirēneuō means “to be at peace” or “to make peace.”


Meaning Explained

In yesterday’s verse we talked a little about three of the characteristics of church pastors (or elders). These are:

  1. They are hard working. They often work six or seven days a week for very little pay.
  2. God has placed them in authority over you and you need to submit yourselves to that authority.
  3. Part of their job is to encourage and admonish you regarding what God expects from His children.

In today’s verse Paul tells us specifically how we are to feel about our pastors and how we are to treat all of our Christian brothers and sisters. He starts off today’s verse telling us that we are to regard our pastors very highly, not just a little and not just highly, but very highly. Within the church we are all given spiritual gifts by God and these gifts are to be used for the building-up of the Body of Christ. One of these gifts is that of pastor/teacher (see Ephesians 4:11). We are all to be using our gifts in a way that glorifies God. However, He has also ordained a specific order of authority within the church, and we are to honor and submit to those in authority, giving their position the respect that it deserves.

Keep in mind that your pastor has a sin nature, just as you do. He is not perfect! And, most church pastors work in relative obscurity (from a worldly viewpoint). From God’s viewpoint, however, pastors are a key part of His plan for all of His children. Because pastors are in a position of spiritual authority, when they do make mistakes or succumb to the temptations of sin, they receive harsher judgment than the rest of us (see James 3:1).

The other thing Paul teaches us in this verse is that we are to be at peace with others in the Body of Christ. None of us is perfect any more than our pastor is perfect. We need to display a lot of grace in dealing with our brothers and sisters in Christ and be at peace with them.



Show respect to your pastor, give honor to his esteemed position, and submit yourself to his authority. Also, make peace with your brothers. This is God’s will for your life!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:12 – Encouragement and Prayer

And we ask you, brothers, to recognize those working hard among you, and leading you in the Lord and admonishing you,

Truth to Learn

Pastors have a tough job. Encourage and pray for him today.


Behind the Words

The word translated “we ask” is erōtaō, which literally means “to interrogate.” By implication, however, it means “to request” or “to urge.”

“Recognize” is from the Greek word eidō, which means “to see with perception and comprehension.” Therefore, it takes on the meaning of “to know, to comprehend, or to recognize.”

Kopiaō is the word translated “working hard.” It literally means “to feel fatigue” and by implication it means “to work hard.”

The words “leading you” are translated from the Greek verb proistēmi. This word is made up of pro, meaning “before” or “in front of” and histēmi, meaning “to stand.” Thus, proistēmi means “to stand before” or “to stand in front of.” By analogy, this word refers to someone who “leads.”

“Admonishing” is from the word noutheteō, which is made up of nous, meaning “the mind” or “the intellect” and tithēmi, meaning “to put” or “to place.” Noutheteō literally means “to put in mind” or “to caution or reprove.”


Meaning Explained

The Apostle Paul now changes the topic of his teaching to how we are to think about our spiritual leader(s). The grammatical form of this verse indicates that these leaders are characterized by three things. The first is that they work hard. The second characteristic is that they “are leading you.” And, the third thing is that they “are admonishing” you. It’s fairly obvious that Paul is talking about your pastor(s). Let’s look at these three things.

Most of us have jobs that require us to work five days a week, with the weekend off. The job of a pastor, however, is one that requires effort seven days a week. Yes, I know, many pastors take Monday off to recuperate from a very full Sunday (often twelve or more hours). But, even on his day off, your pastor is often contacted by a church member needing spiritual guidance or emotional support. Like a surgeon, your pastor is on-call twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Six days a week your pastor is studying and preparing sermons (often several a week), visiting families with spiritual/financial/physical needs, preparing for/conducting meetings, and overseeing the business operation of the church. He’s a busy man.

The second thing about your pastor is that he has been placed in a position of authority over you. He is directly accountable to God for your spiritual wellbeing. It is his job to open up the Scriptures and teach you what God expects from you. Remember, we are to submit to all those in authority over us.

The third thing a good pastor does is “admonish” you. This means that he has to deliver encouragement and challenge, but it also means he has to deliver the harsh truth about sin and its consequences. I firmly believe that if you aren’t getting your toes stomped on occasionally, either your pastor isn’t doing his job or you just aren’t listening to him, or to God.



Don’t wait for pastor appreciation week. Take some time right now to send an e-mail, a text message, or a letter to your pastor. Tell him how much you appreciate him and pray for him. He needs your encouragement and your prayers!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:11 – Comfort and Build-up

Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.

Truth to Learn

Christians need to comfort and spiritually build-up each other.


Behind the Words

“Therefore” is translated from the Greek word dio. This word is a combination of dia, meaning “through” and hos, meaning “who” or “which.” So, we see that dio literally means “through which.”

The word “comfort” is our old friend parakaleō, meaning “to comfort, encourage, or challenge.” It is expressed in the imperative mood, indicating a command.

Allēlon is the word translated “each other.” It indicates reciprocal action on the part of all members of a group.

“Edify” is also a word we have seen before. It is translated from oikodomeō, which is made up of oikos, meaning “a dwelling” or “a house” and a form of dōma, meaning “to build.” This verb is also expressed in the imperative mood.

The words “one another” are from the Greek words heis ton hena, which literally means “one the one” or “one in behalf of the one.” It expresses a more one-on-one type of activity than allēlon


Meaning Explained

Paul has been teaching the Thessalonians about the rapture and the Day of the Lord because they were grieving over the death of other Christians. When Paul finished teaching about the rapture, explaining that all Christians would be joined together as they received their new bodies, he told them:

Therefore comfort one another with these words. (1 Thessalonians 4:18)

The knowledge that the rapture would include all Christians and that we will all be together again was a comfort to those who’s saved loved-ones had died.

Now that Paul has explained the difference between the rapture and the Day of the Lord, and the fact that Christians will not have to experience the out-pouring of God’s wrath, he tells them again to comfort one another. I had a godly friend who believed in a mid-tribulation rapture. He used to say, “I believe in a mid-trib rapture, but I pray for a pre-trib rapture.” The reason for his comment is the fact that he didn’t want to have to endure even a portion of the outpouring of God’s wrath on mankind. Once we understand the difference between the rapture and the Day of the Lord and the fact that we will be kept out of that time, it is an encouragement to all Christians.

But notice that Paul did not just tell them (and us) to comfort one another. He also commanded the Thessalonians to build-up each other in a one-on-one fashion. As we talk with our brothers and sisters about the things of God, we need to make the subject of the rapture and the Day of the Lord one of the things we talk about. Don’t get in an argument, simply share with them what Paul taught the Thessalonians.



Do you talk with your Christian brothers and sisters about the things of the Lord? Do you have discussions about what the Bible teaches? Or, do you only talk about family, friends, and church activities? Paul commands us to build each other up and we can only do this by talking about what the Bible says.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:10 – Eternal, Living Faith

who died for us, that whether we should watch or sleep, we should live together with Him.

Truth to Learn

Faith in Jesus Christ means living with Him eternally.


Behind the Words

“Died” is from apothnēskō, which is composed of apo, meaning “from” or “away from,” used as an intensifier, and thnēskō, meaning “to die.” Literally, apothnēskō means “to die off,” but it is often used to refer to death of any kind.

The word translated “for” is huper (or hyper) meaning “over” or “above.” As used here it also means “for the sake of.”

The words “whether” and “or” are both translated from eite. It is composed of ei, meaning “if” or “whether” and te, meaning “both” or “also.” It is used in Greek to set items in contrast or opposition to one another.

Grēgoreuō is the Greek verb translated “watch.” It means “to keep wake” or “to be watchful.” It is expressed here in the subjunctive mood, indicating possibility or probability.

The word translated “sleep” is katheudō, meaning “to fall asleep.” It, too, is written in the subjunctive mood.

“We should live” is translated from the verb dzaō, meaning “to have life.” Like grēgoreuō and katheudō, it is expressed in the subjunctive mood.


Meaning Explained

In the previous chapter of his letter to the Christians in Thessalonica, Paul began his current teaching regarding the rapture and the Day of the Lord. As he introduced the subject of the rapture, he said:

But we do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, concerning those who have fallen asleep, that you not grieve as others who have no hope. (1 Thessalonians 4:13)

In this discourse on the rapture and the Day of the Lord, Paul has used the word “sleep” in two different ways. In teaching about the rapture, he used the term to refer to Christians who have died physically. In his teaching about the Day of the Lord, however, he used the word as a reference to those who are spiritually unaware. He contrasted those who are of the day (Christians) with those who are of the night (unbelievers). And, he warned us who are of the day to be awake (aware) and prepared for spiritual battles. In yesterday’s verse Paul reminded us that God did not place us in a situation where we will suffer His wrath (the Day of the Lord), rather in a situation to obtain salvation (raptured off the earth before the Day of the Lord). Also, in yesterday’s verse he reminded us that our salvation is through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Now, Paul says that Christ died for our sake. He didn’t die for Himself because He was without sin and was not facing the death sentence that we were facing. He died so that we could have eternal life. He died for our sake. Why did He die for us? He died for us so that we might live eternally with Him. It doesn’t matter whether we are physically alive or dead at the time of the rapture; all Christians, together, will live with him eternally. This, he tells us in the next verse, should be a comfort to all Christians.



If you are a born-again Christian, you will spend eternity with Jesus Christ. If not, you will be separated from Him forever!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved