Tag: agathos

James 2:19 – One God Faith

You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!

Truth to Learn

Faith is necessary for salvation, but what you have faith in is crucial, and the proof of that faith will be your good works.

Behind the Words

The word here translated as “believe” is the Greek word pisteuō. The word translated faith in the previous verse is pistis. They both come from the same root word peithō, which means “to persuade or convince.” Hence, this literally means “you are convinced that …”

The expression “there is one God” in the Greek literally reads “God is one.” This is a fundamental truth of Judaism, Christianity, and the Muslim religion. The fact that there is a single, all-powerful God is foundational to the faith that many people hold, but you must believe more that this to be truly saved from your sins.

“Well” is translated from the Greek adverb kalōs, which refers to “a specific quality of goodness.” There is a different Greek word meaning general goodness, the word agathos. James is saying that specifically believing in one God is a good thing for someone to do.

The Greek word translated “tremble” is phrissō. This word literally means “to bristle,” as when one feels the hairs stand-up on the back of their neck. Hence, it refers to a physical response to a fearful situation and is thus interpreted as “to shudder or shake in fear.”

Meaning Explained

James has been talking about works being the evidence of saving faith. He also wants to show that simply having faith in something (believing in something), even something as noble as the idea of a single, all powerful God, is not enough. There are many Jews and Muslims who believe in a single, all-powerful God. There are even many church goers around the world who believe that God exists. But they do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that, as a man, He died on the cross to pay for their sins.

James is saying that even demons have faith. They believe that there is one supreme God and they tremble in fear because they know that he is a vengeful God, in addition to being a loving God. But, even though these demons believe in the one all-powerful God, they are not saved. They are destined for Hell. Having faith in God is important, even necessary for salvation, but it is not sufficient for one to be saved. One has to also believe that he or she, as a sinner, has been saved by the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross.

James’ thesis in this section of his letter is that faith is good but what you believe in is supremely important. He is also saying that genuine saving faith will always be evidenced by works of love (good works).


Do you have faith? Do you believe there is one supreme God? If so, that is good. Do you believe that you are a sinner and that you deserve eternity in hell? Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay for your sin? I pray that you do!

Now, do your actions demonstrate your faith? James says these good works are the proof of your salvation. Do your words, your attitudes and your actions demonstrate what you believe? Do they demonstrate that you are a Christian, saved by faith?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Thessalonians 2:17 – Comfort For Our Walk

comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work.

Truth to Learn

Comfort is God’s doing, but walking in faith is up to you.

Behind the Words

Comfort” is translated from the Greek verb parakaleō. This word has the same root as the word translated “consolation” in yesterday’s verse. It means “to comfort, encourage, and challenge” just as a coach does for an athlete.

Kardia is the word translated “heart.” The English word “cardiology” (the study of the heart) is obviously from this Greek word. It refers not only to the physical heart, but figuratively to “the seat and center of human life, including thoughts and feelings.”

The word “establish” is from stēridzō, which is derived from histemi, meaning “to stand or to set in place.” Stēridzō means “to make firm” or “to place securely.”

Agathos is the word translated “good.” This word refers to the general character or quality of goodness or usefulness.

Word” is from the Greek noun logos, which refers to “an expression of intellect.” That is “a word or a saying.”

Ergon is the Greek word translated “work.” It refers to “something done or performed, an act or a deed.”

Meaning Explained

Today’s verse is directly connected with the previous one. In fact, grammatically, verse sixteen is the subject of the sentence and this verse is the predicate. You will recall that in the previous verse Paul equated the Father and Jesus Christ as one by using singular verbs with the plural subject. He continues that form in today’s verse. Though this sentence has a plural subject (Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father), the verbs “comfort” and “establish” are singular verbs.

There are two key lessons to learn from Paul’s prayer. The first is that our God is the one who comforts our hearts and who makes our stand firm. In his teachings at the Last Supper in the upper room, Jesus said this to His disciples:

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27)

In other words, He said, “Don’t allow your hearts to be troubled or afraid.” Modern day psychology indicates that worry and fear are the results of our own minds; that is, we do it to ourselves. Comfort and peace, on the other hand, are the result of outside agents working on us to sooth us. Paul is praying for God to be that outside agent working on us both to comfort us and to make our stand firm.

The other thing we learn from today’s verse is that the Christian life is not just about what we claim to be. We all know people who profess to be Christian, but the way they live their lives does not demonstrate true faith. In other words, don’t just talk the talk, also walk the walk. Let your Christian witness be the way you act and the way you treat others. You may know the words of Christianity, but do you do the works?


Think about your faith this way: If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved


1 Thessalonians 5:21 – Find Good and Hold On

Test all things; hold fast what is good.

Truth to Learn

We are to look for good and hold on to it when we find it.

Behind the Words

Dokimadzō is the Greek verb translated “test” in today’s verse. This Greek word means “to test something to determine its worth.” It is the word used of testing gold or other precious metals to determine its value. There is another Greek word often translated “test.” It is peiradzō, which is often translated “tempt.” It is distinguished from dokimadzō in that it is a test or a temptation to produce sinfulness.

The word translated “hold fast” is katechō, which is made up of kata, used as an intensifier and echō, meaning “to have” or “to hold.” Katechō means “to hold firmly” or “keep hold of.”

Good” is from the Greek noun kalos, which refers to that which is good in quality or character. In other words it refers to “something that is beautiful or that is morally or constitutionally good.” A different Greek noun, agathos refers to “some deed that is useful or beneficial to others.”

Meaning Explained

Paul is in the middle of a series of short statements about a fruitful Christian walk. He started off with three attitudes: rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks. He follows these up with five actions that demonstrate a life submitted to God.

In both of the previous two verses Paul used a grammatical form that indicates that we are to stop doing certain things. It is common in Paul’s teaching to follow up negative commands (things we are not to do, or that we are to stop doing) with a positive replacement (what we are to do instead). In today’s verse he commands us to do two things to replace the actions we are to stop doing. The first thing is to test all things with the purpose of finding good. Instead of suppressing the working of the Holy Spirit and treating prophecies with scorn, we are to test all things. Since verses nineteen and twenty were focused on workings of the Spirit through spiritually gifted men, it is reasonable to assume that he is still talking about the use of spiritual gifts. Instead of taking a negative position against workings of the Spirit, we should test them to see if they are truly of the Spirit of God or simply manifestations of the will of man.

In 1 Corinthians 12:10 Paul talks about the use of the gifts in the church, and immediately after the gift of prophecy, he mentions the discerning of spirits, that is, a spiritual gift of determining whether the prophecy is truly from the Spirit of God. Also, immediately after mentioning the gift of tongues, he cites the interpretation of tongues. These are both gifts that test the use of spiritual gifts.

Finally, in today’s verse Paul commands us to cling to whatever is inherently good. In order to do that, we have to be constantly on the look-out for good things. When we see good things or encounter good people, we are to emulate them and make such things part of our own Christian walk.


Instead of being negative about everything that takes place in our churches, we need to look for the good things and good people who demonstrate actions born out of love for our Savior and other people.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved


1 Thessalonians 5:15 – Do Good, Not Evil

See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all.

Truth to Learn

Don’t retaliate when you experience evil. Do good instead.

Behind the Words

The word translated “renders” is apodidōmi, which is composed of apo, meaning “from” or “away from” and didōmi, meaning “to give.” Literally, it means “to give from,” that is, to act in response to action done. Specifically, it refers to retaliation. Some translations have this as “return” or “repay.”

Kakos is the Greek word translated “evil.” This word refers to external actions that are “worthless, bad, or evil.” A different Greek word, ponēros, refers to wickedness or maliciousness as an internal motivation.

For” is translated from anti, meaning “opposite” or “against.” Here it indicates action directed against someone else.

Always” is from pantote, which is made up of a form of pas, meaning “all” and tote, meaning “then, in terms of time.” Thus, pantote means “all the time” or “always.”

The word “pursue” is from the verb diokō, which means “to pursue (in a good sense” or “to persecute (in a bad sense).”

Agathos is the word translated “good.” It refers to the quality or characteristic of goodness or usefulness.

Meaning Explained

In yesterday’s verse, Paul taught us how we are to respond to certain issues within the church. We need to caution those who are unruly or disruptive, reminding them of the need for peace and orderly conduct in the church. We also need to provide comfort and encouragement for those who are overcome with fear and doubt. And, we need to support those who are weak physically, emotionally, and spiritually. He also said that we are to do these things with an attitude of patience.

Now he tells us what not to do, and what to do instead. Each one of us at one time or another has been the recipient of malicious action, whether it was intentional or not. The normal response, driven by our sin nature, is to strike back – to get even. After all, the Old Testament teaches “an eye for an eye,” right? But that’s not what the New Testament teaches. Paul says, “Don’t repay evil for evil.” Instead of retaliating for something evil that was done to us, Paul says we need to go after what is good.

Jesus Christ is our perfect example of this. He claimed to be the Son of God (which He truly is), thus claiming to be equal with God. (Matthew 26:63, 64) Because of this, He was condemned to die. He was then ridiculed, beaten, and hung on a cross to die. Even those standing around him said, “If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross.” (Matthew 27:40) Jesus did not deserve any of this kind of treatment, and He could have simply spoken the words and those mocking Him would have died. Instead, he chose to do what was ultimately the kindest, most loving thing anyone has ever done. He stayed on the cross and gave His life as payment for your sins and mine. He did what was good for all.


The next time someone does something evil to you, remember what Jesus did for you. Remember what Paul teaches us: pursue what is good for all. This will glorify God.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 4:28 – Give or Take

Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need.

Truth to Learn

Overcome the problem of stealing by giving to others.

Behind the Words

The words “stole” and “steal” are from kleptō, from which we get our English word, kleptomaniac. It means “to take something that belongs to someone else without permission or legal right.”

Labor” is translated from the Greek verb kopiatō, which basically means “to feel fatigue, especially from hard labor.”

Working” is from ergadzomai, meaning “to be engaged in labor.” It usually refers to a specific trade or profession.

The word translated “hands” is cheir, which originally meant the entire arm from the shoulder to the end of the fingers. Later, it referred only to the hand.

Good” is from agathos, which refers to “the general characteristic of goodness or usefulness.”

Give” is translated from metadidōmi, which is made up of two words. The first is meta, indicating accompaniment (being with someone or something). It is different from sun, which implies a joining or a union between people or things, whereas meta implies simply being in the presence of someone or something. The other word is didōmi, meaning “to give.” Thus metadidōmi implies sharing something with those around you.

Meaning Explained

Back in verse seventeen Paul began teaching us how we are to behave as members of the body of Christ. First, he told us not to behave like the Gentiles who do not believe in God. Then, in verse twenty-two he began giving us guidelines on what our behavior should look like. We are to take off our sin nature and put on our new nature that God created for us. One of the characteristics of taking off the old man and putting on the new man is to stop lying and tell the truth instead. Other characteristics of putting on the new man are getting angry for the right reasons and not letting anger last, leading you into sin.

Now he teaches us another characteristic of putting on our new nature. Literally, the Greek reads, “Let the one stealing, steal no more …” Not every Christian has an obvious problem with stealing any more than every Christian has an obvious problem with anger. We all have issues with these things to some degree, but some of us have an especially severe case of one or more of these. Some people have little respect for the property of others and take whatever they can, even though it doesn’t belong to them. Paul is speaking directly to these people, telling us that the solution is to create things ourselves that we can share with those who have greater needs than we do.

There are many excuses for stealing, from feeling like we deserve to have something more than someone else to simply wanting something and believing the owner doesn’t need it or won’t miss it. Whatever the excuse, Paul says, “Stop doing it!”


If you have a problem with “borrowing” things from others (with no intention of returning them), you need to develop the habit of giving things to others who have less than you or giving your time to help the less fortunate. Can you do that?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

Romans 14:16 – The Right Thing?

Romans 14:16 – The Right Thing?

Therefore do not let your good be spoken of as evil;

Truth to Learn

Sometimes doing “the right thing” can cause harm to others.

Behind the Words

Good” is translated from agathos, meaning “benevolent, profitable, or useful.” There is another Greek word translated “good.” It is kalos, which refers to the intrinsic character or quality of goodness. Agathos, however, is often used to express the quality of actions or deeds.

The words “spoken of as evil” are translated from the verb blasphēmeō. The noun form, blasphēmia, is the source of our English word “blasphemy.” The verb is made up of a form of blaptō, meaning “to hinder” or “to injure” and phēmē, meaning “a saying” or “a rumor.” Hence, blasphēmeō means “to say something injurious about someone else.”

Meaning Explained

By “your good” in this verse Paul is referring to the things that your conscience and the Spirit of God allow you to do. Paul has already told us that nothing is unclean in and of itself. As long as it is not something specifically forbidden in the New Testament (like getting drunk or eating that which you know has been offered to idols) and you have a clear conscience toward God about doing it, then it is okay. But if that “right thing,” which your conscience and the Spirit of God allow you to do, causes your brother or sister to stumble in their own Christian walk, then you need to reconsider whether it is really “the right thing” after all.

The principle here is that the welfare of your brothers and sisters is more important than your own satisfaction. In fact, that’s exactly what Paul told the church at Philippi:

Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. (Philippians 2:3-4)

The example that Paul used in this case was Jesus Christ. Even though He is divine, that is, part of the godhead (He is God), He lowered himself and took on the form of a man and offered up His perfect life and His righteousness so that we might be saved and be given the righteousness that He alone deserves. And Paul said a very similar thing to the Corinthians:

All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify. Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s well-being. (1Corinthians 10:23-24)

If we are constantly striving to strengthen and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ and we are seeking to please God our Father, then we will not be very focused on what we want for ourselves. When we are focused only on ourselves, however, even the good things that we see as permissible can end up causing trouble for others.


Let’s all consider how our actions can affect the spiritual lives of other Christians. Are we so determined to do “the right things,” that we don’t care if they cause other Christians to stumble? Wouldn’t it be better to abstain from a permissible practice than to cause harm to a brother or sister in Christ?

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 12:21 – Good Versus Evil

Romans 12:21 – Good Versus Evil

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Truth to Learn

The proper way for a Christian to combat evil is with good.

Behind the Words

The word translated “overcome” is nikaō, a verb form of the noun nikē, which refers to “a conquest or victory.” Hence, nikaō means “to subdue, conquer, or overcome.” In both instances in this verse it is expressed in the imperative mood indicating something all Christians are to do.

Evil” is from the Greek word kakos, which refers to that which is worthless in and of itself. Thus, it is often translated as depraved, wicked, or evil. It is expressed here with the definite article, so it literally refers to “the evil thing” or “the evil one.”

The word “good” is translated from agathos, meaning “profitable or beneficial.” It refers to general goodness whereas the Greek word kalos, which we looked at in verse seventeen, refers to something that is inherently good but not necessarily benefitting others.

Meaning Explained

Paul started off this chapter by stating:

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. (Romans 12:1)

Throughout the remainder of this chapter, he has been showing us what it looks like when a person is a living sacrifice, totally submitted to God; for instance, someone who has presented his or her body as a living sacrifice to God will not repay evil for evil and will not avenge himself or herself.

In the past few verses Paul has not been giving us commandments so much as he has been showing us what the evidence of our submission as a living sacrifice looks like. And so, he wraps up this chapter with a final piece of evidence of a person who is totally submitted and committed to God. This person does not allow himself to be overcome with evil; instead, he overcomes evil with good. A literal translation of this verse could be:

Do not be conquered under the evil one, but conquer the evil one with goodness.

Some would say that “the evil one” refers to Satan, for he is sometimes referred to in that manner. In this case, however, I believe Paul is referring to anyone who does evil to you. If the result of an evil act on you causes you to do evil in return, then you have succumbed to the temptation of retaliation and you have demonstrated that you are not fully submitted to God. But, if evil is done to you and there is within you the ability to plan and carry out goodness toward the one doing evil, then you are showing that you are still lying on the alter, a living sacrifice to God, and He will use you when you live that way.


It’s not easy to remain on the altar because we each have a sin nature that wants us to be in control and wants to get even with those who hurt us. However, by the power of the Holy Spirit we can remain submitted to our Lord and we can respond to the evil done to us with goodness. That’s sacrificial living. It’s pleasing to God because it allows Him to receive all the glory and all the praise.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 8:28 – Called for Goodness Sake

Romans 8:28 – Called for Goodness Sake

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Truth to Learn

God is producing goodness in Christians because He has decided to do so.

Behind the Words

The words “all things” are from pas, meaning “all” or “every.” It is expressed here as a neuter plural noun, thus “all things.”

The Greek verb sunergeō is translated “work together.” It is made up of sun, meaning “together with” and ergō, meaning “to work.” It is expressed as a third person singular verb so it could be translated as “he or she works together.”

“Good” is from agathos, meaning “good and benevolent” or “useful.” There is another Greek word translated “good.” It is the word kalos, meaning “inherently good without necessarily being benevolent” or “beauty as a harmonious completeness.” An easy way to distinguish the two is to think of kalos as specific goodness or beauty and agathos as general goodness.

The word translated “called” is from klētos, meaning “one who is called, invited, or appointed.” It is a noun, not a verb.

Meaning Explained

What does Paul mean by “all things work together for good?” The key is the word translated “good,” meaning “general goodness.” Paul is saying that even though some of the things that happen to us don’t necessarily seem very good, all things work together for our general goodness.

As we mentioned above, the verb “work together” is a singular, third-person verb. The subject for this verb is not “all things.” How do we know? The word translated “all things” is a plural subject. In Greek, as in English, the number of a verb (singular or plural) must always agree with the number of its subject, so the subject of this verb must be singular. As it turns out, the subject is not stated but simply implied. That’s why some translators render the first part of this verse as, “And we know that God works all things together for good.”

Who are those people for whom He works together all things? Paul says they are “those who love God.” Only we who have recognized our own sinfulness and need for salvation can fully appreciate the sacrifice that God made to have our sins paid for. And only we can really love God for having done it for us.

He also says it is “those who are the called according to His purpose.” As we noted above, the word “called” is not a passive verb, but a plural noun (as in, those who are the called ones). Those for whom God works all things together for good are those who are the called ones according to His (God’s) purpose. Paul is saying clearly that our being called to Christ and salvation is not of our own doing. It is wholly God’s doing and it is according to His purpose. We don’t know why God called us to salvation but we do know, according to Paul, that He is purposeful in calling us.


When we are in the midst of trials we should be encouraged for two reasons. The first is that the Holy Spirit is our prayer partner and the second is that no matter how bad things seem, God is going to use whatever is happening to us ultimately to produce good in us, and that brings the glory back to Him.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 7:19 – Surrender to Him

Romans 7:19

For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice.

Truth to Learn

Overcoming our enemy, our sin nature, is not ours to do.

Behind the Words

Back in verse sixteen we looked at the word “will.” There are two Greek words that are translated “will” or “wish:” thelō and boulomai. The difference is that thelō implies an active impulse whereas boulomai implies a passive acquiescence. Therefore, boulomai implies simply a wish or a desire whereas thelō implies a preference, a choosing, or a determination. To understand the difference, imagine that you give a child a dollar and let them go into a candy store to buy anything he or she wants. The child’s desire is to buy everything (desirous will) but the child determines to buy something specific for a dollar (determined will). The word in the current verse translated “will” is thelō, determined will.

Good” is from agathos, which refers to goodness in general. It is sometimes translated as benevolent, profitable, useful, or excellent.

Evil” is from kakos, which refers to something that is worthless or wicked. It is believed to be derived from the verb chazō, meaning “to retreat.” It is a picture of a worthless soldier who, instead of standing up against the enemy, retreats.

Meaning Explained

At first glance this verse seems to say the same thing as verse fifteen did. But on closer inspection we can see that there is a slight difference between these verses. Verse fifteen says:

For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.

In this earlier verse (Romans 7:15) Paul is contrasting what he is determined to do versus what he hates. In the current verse (Romans 7:19) he is contrasting what he is determined to do versus evil. Paul is saying that his determined will is to do good but he doesn’t do it. His determined will is also not to do evil, but that’s exactly what he does do. This is another indication that Paul is truly saved. Only someone whose heart has been regenerated will truly desire to do good and truly desire not to do evil. Unfortunately for Paul, and for the rest of us as well, the sin nature that dwells in this flesh of ours continues to overpower us even against our desire.

The significant thing to take away from this verse is the fact that it is not the will of man that draws him away from God. Few people, if any, actually want to be evil, but none of us, left to our own devices, will avoid evil because of the powerful sin nature that has mastery over us.

Once again let me say that the only way to have victory over this sin nature is first to be genuinely saved and then to submit our will to God and obey Him as our master instead of our sin nature. As we submit to Him and commit to His ways, we have victory and peace!


It is far easier for us to do that which is evil than to stand and fight for that which is good. And, it is easier to stand and fight against evil in the face of incredible odds, than it is for us to stand against our sin nature. That’s why we need the power of the Holy Spirit. Only a committed Christian surrendered to the will of God can succeed in overcoming his or her sin nature.

And, who gets the praise when we submit to God’s will?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 7:12 – The Holy Law

Romans 7:12

Therefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy and just and good.

Truth to Learn

The Law and its commandments are holy, but we are sinful.

Behind the Words

Law” is translated from the Greek word nomos, which we saw in the last chapter is the noun form of the verb nemō, meaning “to divide among” or “to parcel out.” Therefore nomos refers to that which has been parceled out, which someone has in his or her possession. It is also used to refer to a body of regulations that have been delivered or parceled out, such as the Law of Moses.

This word translated “holy” is hagios. Its fundamental meaning is “set apart from common use to the service of Deity” or “sharing in God’s purity and abstaining from earth’s defilement.” That which is separated unto God is free from any tainting of sin. It is pure and it is spotless. It is holy!

Commandment” is from entolē, which comes from the verb entellomai, meaning “to give a charge or a command.” Therefore we see that entolē means “a charge, a precept, or commandment.”

The word translated “just” is dikaios, which means “that which is righteous” or “that which is just.”

Good” is from the Greek word agathos, which means “good and benevolent, profitable, or useful.”

Meaning Explained

Back in verse seven Paul asked the rhetorical question, “What shall we say then? Is the law sin?” Since that verse he has been showing us why the law is not the culprit; rather it is our sin nature that is the cause of our sinfulness. The law simply causes our sin nature to be empowered. Paul now tells us very clearly that the Law is good but it was not provided to purify the heart of fallen man. Its tendency is to increase guilt, shame, and despair. In other words, man cannot obtain righteousness by obeying the law because the law, by exciting our fallen nature, actually increases our sinfulness.

The Law, says Paul, is holy. It is pure and it is spotless. Paul also says that the commandment is holy. So, what’s the difference between the law and the commandment? The easiest way to distinguish them is to recognize that the law is made up of many commandments. Paul’s point here is that not only is the law as a whole holy and good, but even down to the individual commandments it is holy and just and good.

We cannot blame the law or any one of the commandments for our sins, but the very presence of the law causes our sinfulness to be exceedingly sinful. In fact, we cannot blame anyone else for our sinfulness. We are guilty of our own sins and the Law does not remove that guilt, it increases it.


Do you feel weighed down by guilt over the sins that you have committed? Do you feel guilty because you don’t keep the Law or obey God all the time, or act out of selfish motives? Remember, only the grace of God, through the blood of Jesus Christ, can take away the guilt! Confess your sins and lay them at the foot of the cross.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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